BEOMGYU: Tender Moroning

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The heat of his body lulls me out of sleep. His legs intertwined with mine as he clings to me like a kid.

Beomgyu has always been clingy in his sleep, always curdled against me like a kid seeking comfort. I'm always held tight beside him, head right by my neck as his breath fans my shoulder.

His slow and calm breathing tells me that he's still very much asleep. He needs to go to the studio soon, but I guess he can get a couple more minutes before I wake him up.

The sun peeks through the blinds, hitting mu face and blinding me momentarily. I let out a soft groan but quickly swallow it when Beomgyu starts to shift. He stops moving and relaxes behind me once more.

The yellow hue form the sun hits my shoulder and shows on his face. He looks like a Greek statue form this angle.  His arm shift under the sheet before resting over my stomach as he unconsciously pulls me closer. 

His hand then travels under my shirt and rests on my stomach. His hands are rough yet really warm. A comforting combination.  His other arm acts as a pillow under my head as he makes sure I'm comfortable yet protected in his arms.

I turn carefully, making sure not  wake him up. I just wanna look at him for a bit before he goes. I cuddle closer to him and slip my arm under his head so I can pull him closer and stroke his hair

It's a really affectionate yet simple gesture that he seems to love. In the early stages of our relationship I learned that it's something that he really loves. It's become a habit to play with his hair whenever we're close like this.

A soft moan emits from his lips as I play  with his locks, letting me know that he likes what I'm doing. He moves closer and presses his face in my neck while inhaling my scent.

He's very needy, and that's my favorite thing about him. He acts like he's not, but once his guard is down , he craves love and attention. It's funny how he puts on an act but doesn't know just how much he wants it.

My other hand up as I rub his bare back soothingly. The hand over my waist pulls me closer in a protective manner.  I pepper soft kiss on top of his to wake him up gently .

This is my least favorite part about mornings. Having to wake him up and feel the warmth of his body leave along with him. He shifts in my hold and exhales in my neck. His eyes start to flutter and I quickly pull away and act like I was sleeping.

For a moment it's silent before the low growl that accompanies his yawn fills the room. I feel him sit up in bed and reach over to grab his phone. He's quiet again. The lack of noise other than his breathing makes me feel a little uncomfortable since I can't touch or see him right now.

After a minute or two, he gets closer under the cover and lays back down before cuddling into my neck once again. His hand slips back under my shirt and run his open hand over the skin.

It would be so easy to fall back asleep right now even though I'm supposed to be faking. His hand runs down all the way to my lower back, and up to my shoulder.

A warm kiss is pressed on my jaw as his hand slows down. "Babygirl..," he whispers, voice still rough and deep upon just waking up.  I groan and pretend that I'm just waking up. He pecks my lips softly and pushes the hair out of my face.

I roll over and hide my smile as I do. "It's time to wake up," he giggles softly.  He pepper kisses along the back of my neck before nuzzling me with his head.

"Come on," he says as he roll me over to face him. I can't hide the smile that creeps on my face and I peak one eye open.  It clicks In His head that I was faking and he rolls on top of me with sweet laughter that fills the room.

"You were awake weren't you? Why were you faking?," he teases.  I giggle in response and pull him down for a kiss.  He allows it to happen and lowers himself on his elbows so his lips can reach mine.

The sound of soft ,warm  pecks  flood the room as he travels from to lips to my jaw, decorating the areas with series of kisses.  " Yah, you gotta go," I says. He groans in my neck and shakes his head.   I turn my lower body and hook a leg over his hip.

"You need to get ready," I say softly as I press a kiss to his temple.  Rolls over and positions himself between my legs. He lifts his head with a pout and leans in slightly, silently asking for a kiss.

I oblige and give him what he wanted before attempting to push him off. "Come on, you can't be late," I say while trying to sit up. He pushes me back down and drops his weight on me.  I let out a huff followed by a laugh as his weight slowly crushes mr.

Dude! You're heavy," I laugh as I playfully hit his back.

He smile and lifts his head. "I don't wanna go today, I wanna lay with you," he says. I reach up and ruffle his hair, admiring the small hum that comes with it.

I take the opportunity to flip us over so I'm on top. "No can do," I say as I lean down and peck his forehand. I move off him and swing my legs over the bed to get up.

Before my feet can even touch the floor, a arm snakes over my waist and I'm hauled backwards into his chest.  "Beomgyu! No!," I laugh as he begins to tickle my side.

"Say you'll lay with me and I'll stop," he says teasingly, amusement clearly evident in his voice.
I shake my head and try to grab his hands.  He stops  and lays his head on my shoulder. 

" stay with me today, yeah?".

I look over my shoulders and stare into his beautiful brown eyes that look more hazel due to the sun. All the blankets are now messy and wrinkled due to us rolling around.

His hair is messy and the tip of his ears are slightly pink from laughing. His hands rub my sides tenderly and he hums waiting for my response.

I roll my eyes and turn around to throw myself on him. "Thirty minutes," I say.

He smiles and wraps his arms around me tightly.

Don't touch me! I'm soft!🥺😭

Please let me know if you want more of these since I'm really trying to work and practice on my writing skills. If you enjoyed this please check out this lovely author KissesnKillz And her imagines since I really do get inspiration from her and look up to how she writes. I'm trying to learn more from her everyday and would love if you could learn from her too just like I am❤️


Do you want this to happen??🤭

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Do you want this to happen??🤭

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