Txt reaction to you acting like an idiot

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@peachistic thank you for the request


Kai stepped out to go grocery shopping and ended up leaving you home alone

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Kai stepped out to go grocery shopping and ended up leaving you home alone. You knew that whole trip would take at least 30 minutes and probably even more so you thought why not take advantage of the situation. You grabbed an over sized hoodie, pulled the strings and threw on sunglasses.( you already know where I'm going with this) you literally started to reenact every single meme and vine possible and didn't notice kai slipping through the door into the house. When he saw you he dropped the bags and through on his hood joining you. " MY BABY IS A WEIRDO TO" from that day on every Saturday is meme day.


Taehyun didn't mind you in you hyper moods but today was something else

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Taehyun didn't mind you in you hyper moods but today was something else. This whole day you have been crazy and been asking the most idiotic questions possible. At first it was cute because it was like an adorable kid full of curiosity but then it to the point that he swore you were a flat earther and stopped replying with words but gave you this " bitch what face ". "If corn oil is made from corn and vegetable oil is made from vegetables,What is baby oil made from"? You chirped hanging upside
on on the bed. He looked at you and said "what did you snort when I wasn't looking"


When he woke up to you dressed in his clothes pretending to be him in crown he let out the most adorable excited squeal possible

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When he woke up to you dressed in his clothes pretending to be him in crown he let out the most adorable excited squeal possible. It did sound a bit like a squirrel choking on a rock because he literally just woke up but you found it adorable none tell less. You continued to act like each member but it got weird real quick. You started to sing cat and dog which started out smoothly until you tried to sing the background noise of a dog barking causing you to look like you were on something. " ummm ok I think you should give a rest now, I'm starting to think you escaped out of a mental asylums.


You were both acting like crackheads running wild when you got a bit to wild

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You were both acting like crackheads running wild when you got a bit to wild. You decided to pretend you were in box bird ( if you don't about that movie your an egg living under a rock) and ran around the house with blindfolds on. You were running up the stairs with no sense of direction and took a turn to early causing you to flip off the railing falling to your doom. You held you breath waiting for the pain to hit but instead you hit something lumpy and groaning. You finally lifted your blindfolded and peeped under you seeing a distressed yeonjun on the verge of death because of how heavy you are. "Kitten I c-can't b-b-breathes". Let's just say you guys didn't get weird for a while after that.


Beomgyu was offended and upset when he caught you a ting like a idiot

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Beomgyu was offended and upset when he caught you a ting like a idiot. You were in the middle squatting I've a metal bowl filled with leaves while rubbing two tooth picks together trying to start a fire when Beomgyu papered be hind you you yelling. "YAH!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!?! HOW COULD YOU BE SO IMMATURE WITHOUT ME?!?" When he first started yelling you though he was gonna go on about what a weirdo you are but it turn out he was just upset you didn't ask him to join You in your little experiment. "Listen babygirl" if you wanna start a tooth pick fire you gotta get the right angel near the sun. Common let's go outside for better lighting". You the. Discover that someone as weird as you a actually exist.

I need ideas please send suggestions

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