Stuck Together P1

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Puckabrina Status; Not dating

Sabrina's POV

I woke up quickly. I felt disgusting, something sticky and thick all over my hands. Super glue. Puck. This was some sick prank to get my hand stuck to my forehead or something. Haha, that birdbrain didn't get me this time. Though, knowing the hog I should expect something more to come. I got up, being careful not to touch anything and made my way to the bathroom. I couldn't get far because Puck shot out in front of me, startled, I almost fell to the ground but he caught my hand. Surprisingly.

"Thanks, but you completely failed with the superglue prank, peabrain," I said laughing.

For once in the stupid boy's life, he didn't have a comeback, I smirked to myself.

"Hey, you can let go of my hand now, you're infesting me with your stink already," I said, noticing his hand was still holding mine. I looked up at his face to notice it was pale and frozen. And then the horror struck me. His hand- was stuck to mine! Super glued tight! I screamed. "THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!"

Granny Relda, my mom, my dad, Daphne, Red, and Uncle Jake soon rushed up the stairs to see ME and PUCK holding hands. Never. This wasn't okay. Everyone looked especially shocked except for Daphne who was squealing and jumping up and down excitedly.

"Gracious children you frightened all of us! Puck, why won't you let go of Sabrina's hand?" Granny Relda asked him.

"I can't!" He spoke the first time I'd heard him today, "Trust me, this stinkpot would be miles away from me right now if I had the choice!"

For some reason that hurt mildly, whatever. I didn't even care about his opinion and I was sure as heck wasn't going to start now. I tried to pull myself from his hand but no, the glue was already dried and tight as ever. This was like when he handcuffed himself to me, but worse, with the glue, we were stuck tightly holding hands until we found a way to unstick ourselves. Uncle Jake who was most familiar with newer magic came up to us and examined our hands, along with the glue.

"That's some tough glue alright," He said.

"Get it off!" I shrieked.

"I don't know any spells particularly for something like this glue, it's exceptional and terribly strong," Uncle Jake told me.

"Puck, what the hell, where did you get this?" I asked him angrily shaking my free fist at him.

"When we jumped into the Book of Everafter, I may or may not have grabbed a special pack of Geppetto's glue." He smirked. "But I wasn't trying to get my hand stuck to yours, Dogface," He said defensively after everyone gave him an odd look.

"Well, however it happened, it's very strong and I'm not sure how to get it off but I'll work on it, alright?" Uncle Jake said mostly to me.

"Please!" I replied.

"For now you'll just have to try and not look at each other when you're using the bathroom," Granny Relda said. Daphne squealed and my dad looked disapprovingly in Puck's direction. This was terrible. Not only was I STUCK to my arch-nemesis' hand, but I was also going to be continuously watched by my parents to make sure I didn't do anything 'scandalous' with him. They had to be kidding, I'd never ever like Puck in that way no matter what he said about our 'future being intertwined'. I was just extremely grateful that it was still summer and we didn't have school. Sabrina Grimm and Robin Goodfellow were NOT about to be seen walking down the halls holding hands.

The day was terrible. We ate breakfast and I had to move my hand with his so that he could shovel down Granny Relda's odd, discolored foods. At least of all things, it was my left hand and not my right.

"Puck, you stink, why couldn't you have taken a shower before you stuck your hand to mine," I said glaring.

Puck glared at me. "Oh why you little-"

"Stop arguing, you might as well get along if you're stuck together," Granny scolded us.

I sighed and propped my head on my free arm while Puck started to eat my plate of food. This was the worst.

"I'm bored," I said.

"Me too, you're really boring," Puck told me.

I slapped him lightly with my hand.

"Watch it," He said, "I might just decide to glue us together again, but just to torture you,"

"You better not, can we just go watch some T.V?" I asked. Without even saying another word he got up from the seat and jolted to the couch, yanking my wrist with him.

"Ouch! You can't just drag me like that!" I said angrily.

"Well... I can, maybe you don't want me to, but... I don't care," He smirked at me. His devilish grin was sort of- cute. I hated myself immediately for even having the thought bubble in my brain. Snap out of it. And I soon did, because I remembered I was angry at him.

I sat promptly on the couch, both of us stretching our arms out so we could sit as far as possible away from each other. He flipped through the channels and settled on one at last. I relaxed against the comfortable couch, I was okay with this as long as he kept his smelly feet away from me. After 20 or so minutes, my arm started to get tired from stretching so far and I realized that his must have too because we were considerably closer to each other.

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