A Grimm in The Hand is Worth Two in the Tree

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On a  Saturday morning, I woke Grimm up to go to the park with me and Daphne. 

"Dogface, get up!" I said, hitting her with a pillow.

She scowled saying, "Goodfellow, you'd think you'd be nicer to me now that you've proclaimed your 'undying love' to me." 

"The marshmallow's waiting downstairs, and I am too," I said, placing the pillow back on the bed. 

"Yeah... okay," she said sleepily, "I'm up." 

I ran down the stairs to see Daphne eating breakfast, so I grabbed a plate and took the rest. 

"Leaving none for Sabrina?" she asked. 

"Nope. She never appreciates the delicacy of a green snake's tongue on a Saturday morning, so why should we just let it get cold?" I asked digging in. 

"You are really good at making me lose my appetite," she replied, "Not pucktastic." 

I shrugged and kept eating until Grimm came downstairs with a leash for Elvis. 

"Come on, lazy bums, let's go," she said, clasping the leash to Elvis' collar. 

"Oh, we're the lazy bums?" The marshmallow asked. 

"Come on, let's just go, the trickster king can't be seen at the park dancing in flowers with two ditzy girls, but here I am," I groaned. 

"You won't be calling us ditzy when my knuckles are in your face," Grimm said grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door behind Daphne.

When we got to the park Grimm took me to a nearby bench and let Elvis off of the leash as Daphne ran to her friend. The clouds were covering the Sun and I didn't even get why we came here on such a rainy day. 

"I don't want to be here," I groaned.

"You're the one who woke me up," she said. 

"I know, but the marshmallow begged me," I said. 

"Well, at least she's happy-- Puck look!" 

"What?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand, dragging me over to a tree. On the floor lay a baby bird crying. 

"Look, it's so sad, we have to help it," Grimm said.

"I don't understand how you just spot these things," I replied, honestly amazed.

With her gloves on, she picked the baby bird carefully up, "Puck, give me a boost," she commanded.

"As you wish, m'lady," I said jokingly. 

I hoisted her up onto the branch with ease and she climbed further up, looking for the nest. "It's pretty high up there," I said pointing. 

I wasn't scared of heights, I mean how could I be, I flew thousands of feet every day, but seeing Grimm climb up the tree made me cringe, always recalculating in my brain how I would have to move in order to catch her with every step she took. She looked down at me. 

"Fairy boy, stop worrying, I can practically see the sweat dripping from your forehead," she hollered down at me. 

"Please be careful," I yelled back up, cupping my hands around my mouth to be louder. 

Soon she was at the nest and carefully, she placed the baby bird safely inside. I gave her a thumbs up and motioned for her to come back down. 

"Relax!" She replied, "I'm fine!" 

"Just hurry up," I said. 

"Puck, look," and with that, she started shaking the tree from the top. Leaves started falling onto my face and into my hair.

"Thanks, Grimm, and you're always telling me to wash my hair," I said, brushing myself off. 

Daringly, she stood up onto two feet and put her hands out for balance.

"Grimm, stop!" I bit.

"But look stinkpot, it's so fun! You should come up here too!" she laughed.

"Please come down," I groaned. 

The clouds were becoming even darker and the wind started to gush in. It was going to rain. 

"Grimm, I'm going to go get Daphne, we have to leave," 

"Okay," she replied, "I'll come down in a minute."

I walked over to go get Daphne and Elvis as they were by the swingset. I walked over and brought them along to the tree. 

"Why is she up there?" The marshmallow asked.

"She saved a baby bird, and now she won't come down," I replied glaring. 

"We should shake the tree," Daphne said. 

"Uh... I don't know if that's such a good idea," I replied. 

"C'mon!" And she walked up to the tree, hugging it, and then trying to shake it.

The tree moved, I didn't even know how strong she was, but Grimm started wobbling with it, "Hey stop!" she yelled down.

"No!" Daphne called. 

"I'm gonna fa-AHH" Grimm yelled, losing her balance and tumbling down. My eyes bulged and I ran to catch her, almost taking flight. She fell from the tree and into my arms. 

"Would you look at that?" I said grinning at her. 

"REALLY DAPHNE?" Grimm scowled, crossing her arms. 

"Come on," I said, "Let's go." 

"Puck put me down," she growled. 

"No, clearly, you can't be trusted," I said, "I almost lost you!" 

"Oh please, no you didn't, I was fine until this nut bag came and tried to kill me!" she replied. 

"I'm sorry, Sabrina! Truly, but you asked for it! Plus, I had to get that Puckabrina moment, I knew Puck would catch you. Or else I wouldn't have done it," Daphne said. 

 I puffed my chest out proudly, knowing people had faith in me. 

"Puck put me down," Grimm said. 

"No," I said as we continued to walk home, " No more climbing trees or helping baby birds."

"You have no heart," she replied. 

"Only because you stole it," I grinned. 

That got me a punch in the gut. 

The Fairy Boy's Grimm (Puckabrina OneShots)Where stories live. Discover now