Valentine's Day... P2

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I woke up, yawned, and scratched my armpits, my ape army copied me exactly. I put on the green sweatshirt that I haven't had washed in at least 3 weeks, but what can I say? I'm on a streak. I pulled my pants up and left my room sticking my wooden sword into my backpack. I gathered up all my things and started to walk downstairs. When I got down the old lady had already made the breakfast on the table. Yellow pancakes, yum! I started shoveling down the food on the table while the marshmallow was feeding bits of it to the dog. Then Grimm walked in and sat down at the table, looked at the pancakes, made a disgusted face and got up. How rude!

I decided that this time I wasn't going to eat her food, I was going to put it in her lunch. I grabbed the pack that the old lady had already made, ate the food in it and stuffed her pancakes into the lunch bag. This'll be the best lunch that dog face has had in years. After I was done I saw her starting to walk out the door. Uhm, what? Uncle Jake usually always takes us to school.

"Hey, Stinkpot! Where're you going?" I say.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm walking today," She says. No, I actually didn't, I was too busy sabotaging your lunch.

"No," I respond.

"Okay, well I don't care, bye," she says and turns around starting to open the door.

"Wait! You forgot your lunch," I say secretly rubbing my hands together mischievously in my mind.

"Oh, thanks?" She says, "Bye Puck, bye Daph, see you guys at school,"

After the Grimm leaves, I go sit back down at the table because we still don't have to go for another 10 minutes since we're driving. That dumb pea brain is so stupid sometimes.

I sit next to Daphne eying the rest of her pancakes and she slides them over to me not looking at them. She looks almost sad.

"Marshmallow are you okay?" I ask. Daphne is usually the happiest of the bunch.

"No," she says.

"Uh-" I start but she interrupts me.

"I don't have anyone for Valentine's Day!" She bursts.

"It's Valentine's Day? And don't you have something with Pinnochio?" I ask.

"Yes, Puck, it is! And no! He doesn't like me" She says and hops down from her seat storming off over to Red.

Then that's when I begin to put the pieces together. It's Valentine's Day, Grimm decides she wants to walk to school. That could only mean that she's meeting someone and for some reason, this makes me angry. I race to grab my backpack, feeling it so that I know my wooden sword is still there and tell the old lady I've decided to walk.

"Oh, okay, don't fly, it's too light out and somebody could see you, but hurry or you'll be late," she says.

I rush out the door and into the woods then I flap my wings out. She couldn't seriously think I wasn't going to, could she? I lift off and fly above following our route to school. That's when I see a certain blonde headed girl, but she's... alone? It must be because she hasn't met up with this boy yet so I continue to follow her. I'm a creep, I know, but it doesn't matter because I'm the Trickster King and I can do whatever I want.

It's been five minutes and she approached the school yet there's nobody she's meeting up with. I did this for nothing. I fly down behind her, we're about 2 minutes early and nobody is here yet but I still make sure to be careful. I run up behind her and scream, "boo!"

The Grimm makes a small squeak which must be the cutest sound I've ever heard, (did I really just think that?) and turns around holding up her fists defensively. I burst out in laughter that I can't contain when she pulls back her hand and smacks me on the face.

"Ouch," I say rubbing where she hit me.

"You were following me!" She accuses.

"So? You never walk to school! I was making sure you weren't doing drugs or something obviously,"

"Are you kidding me, Puck? Of course, I'm not! How could you even think that!?" She says angrily.

"I dunno, it's possible, and wouldn't you rather choose this than me sending one of my bodyguards to follow you?" I ask.

"I choose neither! Just leave me alone because I want nothing to do with you or your stupid monkeys and pranks!" and then she stomps off to the door of the school. That kind of stung.

"They're chimpanzees, not monkeys!" I yell back.

I follow her to the door, because well, as much as it sucks, I have to go to school too. More kids are piling up by the door and cars are pulling in to drop people off. When the staff opens the door, everyone rushes in including the dogface and me. I see her walk off to her locker and I go off to mine. As I'm opening my locker I see Patty Smith walk up to Grimm's locker. Patty is so annoying. Everyone's terrified of her I mean.. she is almost as tall as me and at least 2 inches taller than Sabrina but she's not even that bad of a bully. I watch her and Grimm as it all plays out.

I see the peabrain pull out a container out of her backpack. Oh, so she is dealing with drugs? That's when Patty snatches the box out of Grimm's hand, reaches into it and pulls out a cake pop. So that's what was in there. I'm all of a sudden really hungry. Patty then takes the pastry and smashes it right into 'Brina's face, walking away with the rest of them. Okay, what the hell. I rush up to Patty and grab the box out of her hands. She looks at me angrily and I rush away up the hall, she's chasing me but the bell rings and the halls crowd all around us making it impossible for her to chase me any longer.

I rush into my first class which is math and stick the box under my desk. After class I have Science and then there's lunch.

I walk into the cafeteria and see the stinkpot sitting by herself. This makes my heart hurt for some reason I can't explain. I'm about to walk up to her when somebody slams me onto a seat and sits down across from me. Patty.

"What do you want?" I say.

"The cake pops," she responds gritting her teeth together.

"No," I say sternly and get up to walk away. She pulls my shirt and presses her lips to mine.

"Ew!" I say and get up with the box running to the other direction. Over to Grimm. I sit down across from her placing the box between us, she hasn't opened her lunch bag yet... all she has is a glass of water.

"I saw you and Patty, Happy Valentine's Day," she says.

"Ew, never," I say, "that kiss was basically rape,"

"Yeah sure, looked like you enjoyed it, it's fine if you like Patty," Grimm said.

"Uhm 100 percent no, I'll prove it," I respond. I lean in, put my thumb on her chin and kiss her. I don't care that the whole cafeteria is looking, they need to know Sabrina Grimm is mine.

She looks at me shocked and blushing.

"Will you be my Valentine?" I ask unsurely.

Her eyes brighten up and she nods. I burst out laughing, and she covers up her mouth adorably.

That's when the Grimm opens her lunchbox and sees the mushy yellow surprise I packed for her.

"Puck!" She screeches and starts chasing me around the cafeteria. Let's just say we both at a lot of cake pops in detention that day.

Thank you guys for being so patient with me, I know sometimes I don't update as quickly as I'd liked to but I have to think of ideas and then it takes a while to write them down and edit. I don't know if I liked this one-shot as much as I do my others, you guys tell me your thoughts. It was a bit long, hope you guys don't mind, I'll be working on a new one-shot while you're reading this! Thank you all so much.


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