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I woke up and scratched my back, throwing on the green hoodie that I'd never stopped wearing, even after the war ended and it was dirty scrappy and way too small. It always gave me a sad feeling when I put it on because it reminded me of my old family, it had been so long since I'd left Grimm, The Grimms*. They were my family, sheltered me for so long. Word got around to me that the stinkpot was getting married to some Bradey guy. Bet he's a total douchebag. I had been up to shenanigans lately, as the marshmallow would call it. God, I missed them so much. Especially the dog face. I guess I never really stopped loving her because I'd never stopped aging and I was no longer in my 11-year-old body. My once childish self now had the appearance of a 24-year-old. A pretty handsome one if I do say so myself. Sometimes it hurts to think she moved on, did she even really love this guy?? But I wouldn't be the Trickster King if I just let her live her life with someone else and forget about me without even knowing how she feels. I'd crash the wedding. I could feel a wide devilish grin spread across my face, and I couldn't contain it no matter how hard I tried.

The Grimm who I was so sure was going to be mine for so long, was now at stake because of probably the most boring, unattractive dude to face an everafter! The wedding was in 2 days and I couldn't waste any time if I wanted to get there before it was started. I didn't bother packing any bags, I'd just leave everything behind and restart my life with Sabrina if she takes me back. I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't. I honestly couldn't help but feel a little bad for this Bart guy if everything turned out for me, but then again he must be some serious dummy if he thinks he can mess with fate. I popped out my wings, saying goodbye to a few people I'd made pretty good friends with and flew out the window.

The wind ruffled my dirty blonde hair as I flew through the sky. It'd take 8 hours of flight before I reached the church, and that'd be without breaks. I flew over trees and bushes and buildings and clouds. My wings were tired and my only motivation was Sabrina, but that was by far the only motivation I'd need, it was more than enough. I imagined her blonde hair and her stubborn stormy blue eyes and through the soreness of flying for so long, I grinned wide. But what if she didn't want me anymore? What if she was truthful through all the times she told me we would never marry? What if that love she had for me when she kissed me awake from the poison apple spell was diminished? These thoughts made me want to turn back, but even if it was all for nothing, at least I'd see her face again. At least I'd be able to see she was well. However, I really was confident, and I'd fly into that church and sweep her off her feet. My wings batted faster, I was getting closer.

After about 2 more hours of flying, I was too tired to go on. I flew down into a patch of soft grass below me, resting my head on a rock. I stared up at the starry sky my arms crossed over my chest. Man, I was hungry.

I woke up the next morning, I'd overslept. Oh god. I immediately flew into the air giving my self no time to think and continued on my way towards the church. I had about 3 hours to go. The things I do to save the Grimm. This had to be my biggest save yet, rescuing her from a treacherous, boring, ordinary life. I'm a hero. Blah. No. I'm the worst of villains, king of evildoers, lord of the lazies, and the trickster king. So maybe everything has started to sound a bit more childish over the years! But hey, my body was the one developing, not my 4000-year-old mind.

I continued to fly tediously for a couple more hours. I honestly had no idea where I was going, but I knew I only had a few hours before the wedding started so I turned to my magic flute. I pulled it out of my pocket and blew into it. My pixie minions swarmed around me and I communicated with them that I needed to get to the Grimm's wedding. Apparently, I must have been VERY off course because they'd been leading me for a long time and I still didn't see a church. Maybe I broke them after all these years. I began to get anxious. I'm never going to make it in time, I'm hopeless. I began to feel defeated. The wedding surely already started, and I saw no church in view. I only continued to follow my minions in search of a place to lay down. Not cry. The Trickster King didn't cry.

As I followed them searching the ground for clearing, I looked up and saw the church. My eyes lit up, I shoved them out of the way, I really did appreciate them. But this was a lifetime thing, I couldn't mess up if I hadn't already. It was most likely already too late. I flew down to the building and burst the doors open, beaming wider than I thought was possible. And then I saw MY Grimm, she was stunning.

"Speak now or-" I heard the minister say.

"Objection!" I called smiling.

I saw everyone turn their head towards me, but my eyes were only on Sabrina. She was grinning at me, and I knew she was mine then.

Sorry, this is sort of short guys! I really need some ideas to keep Puckabrina alive!!! Please comment if you like my one-shots, it gives me a lot of motivation to keep posting! I love you guys. Part 2 to this???


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