Ice Cream (alternate version)

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Okay, so this is like an alternate version of the last one-shot where they aren't official yet, it's more just funny because it's fun to write about just regular Puck and Sabrina bickering. I'll update some more cutesy stuff soon, also I changed it because some people found the ending to be gross and I agree so. Enjoy!

It was a scorching hot June day in Fairy Port Landing on that morning Sabrina walked outside.

"Ughhhh," she said wiping her forehead of sweat, "why does the Sun curse us?"

"I like it!" Daphne said running around in the grass, swimming in her glory.

"You're a strange little girl, you know that right?"

"Special!" Daphne smiled.

"Alright... well you... enjoy the Sun? I'm going inside."

"You're no fun," Daphne pouted as Sabrina swung the door open and stepped into the fresh cool air-conditioned house.

She was about to walk back up to her room when Granny Relda stopped her.

"Uh, uh, uh, Liebling, not so fast."

"What noww?" The girl groaned.

"You have been inside way too much this month! Which is why I'm forcing you, Puck, and Daphne to spend a day outside. Don't worry, I have packed this bag with water and sunscreen!"

Sabrina stared blankly at her grandmother in disbelief.

"Out you go!" The old woman said pushing her along, back outside, before throwing her the backpack of necessities.

"You can't do this to me!" Sabrina said angrily, making no attempt to catch the bag tossed perfectly at her.

"Yes, I can and I am, a day outside won't kill you! It will be good for you. You know... back in my day Basil and I would-"

"Alright, alright! I get it!" Sabrina said shutting the door before the old woman opened it back up, and threw a dirty blonde-headed boy out with them before shutting it again and leaving the three "helpless" children with just the Sun.

"Great, so now I'm stuck with 95-degree weather and two idiots," Sabrina said crossing her arms, but she was secretly glad Puck was there.

"Oh? I'm stupid? So we do have something in common!" Puck said joyfully.

"I hate you so much."

"Okay, everyone shut up," Daphne said walking over to them.

They both looked at her waiting for a plan.

"Yes, we are stuck out here but that doesn't mean we have to have a bad day!" The little girl said with motivation.

"Yes it does," Puck and Sabrina said in unison.

"No, I refuse to accept that. Puck- get out the sunscreen and everyone will put it on!"

Puck opened up the bag and looked inside, "Really, this is all we get? A TON of sunscreen and ONE water bottle."

"ONE WATER BOTTLE?" Sabrina exclaimed angrily.

"It's NOT that big of a deal! Just shut up and put on the sunscreen before you both burn to ashes," Daphne said.

"There's no way I'm drinking out of the same bottle as the pea-brain," Sabrina said grabbing a sunscreen tube out of Puck's hands and rubbing it onto her arms. Daphne reached into the bag and did the same.

"You know... in my land, I was a KING. I didn't have to put my own sunscreen on, or for that matter wear sunscreen AT ALL."

"Well you're not much of a king anymore, are you?" Sabrina said grinning.

"Uhh... yes I am, I'm the trickster king!" Puck said, "and with that, I command you to put my sunscreen on for me."

"No," Sabrina said blatantly.

"Just think about how mad the old lady is going to be when she sees I'm completely burnt."

"Oh, no, I think we'll all throw a party," Sabrina scoffed.

"Hmph," Puck said grumpily, getting sunscreen out and putting it on himself.

"Alright, so, I have a plan-," Daphne said pulling twenty dollars out of her pocket, "Let's get ice cream!"

"Where'd you get that money?" Sabrina asked.

"Definitely not from your piggy bank..."

"Oh why you little-"

"Hey, hey, hey-- as much fun as it is fighting with you two, I'd like to do less talking and more eating," Puck said taking the money from Daphne's hands.

"Oh, of course, anything for the King, but I think I'll take that back," Sabrina said taking the money.

"Let's just go," Daphne commanded, leading the way.


"We're here!" Daphne proclaimed pointing up at the bright blue sign stating "Ice Queen: Happy tastes good"

"I've never even been here," Sabrina said, "but it seems popular," she added, pointing out the tens of people lined up in the store.

"That's because it just opened up this summer. But isn't it so cool!? The Ice Queen's OWN ice cream shop!"

"Let's go, fart heads," Puck said opening up the glassy door to the small ice cream shop.

"Ahhhh, that feels better," they all said as they entered the breezy store.

"Let's just all order, what do you pea brains want?" Sabrina asked.


They stepped back outside to get away from the crowd and sat down on a bench around the corner.

They all plopped down and ate their icecream. Puck had chocolate with gummy worms. Sabrina had mint, and Daphne had strawberry with triple fudge.

"This is so good," Daphne said.

"I second that," Sabrina said.

"I third that," Puck said, putting his arms around both their shoulders.

Sabrina eyed him suspiciously but then thought nothing of it. Daphne slipped out from under his arm and said she'd be back, but she needed a napkin.

The two of them sat in comfortable silence, watching as the day quickly slipped away from them. A day that wasn't all that bad.

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