a "wonderful" day

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TRIGGER WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT (not detailed or vulgar but if you are easily triggered, please don't read this one-shot) 

Sabrina's P.O.V

That morning I woke up with a jolt, I smiled as I stretched my arms out in front of me and threw my blankets off of me. 

It was the second to last week of summer and today we were going to the amusement park. I hadn't been to one in so long and you'd think someone like me couldn't possibly feel like they needed more thrill in their life, but I missed the feeling I'd get as I plummeted from the tallest peak on a roller coaster, or spun around on the tea-cup ride until I wished I hadn't scarfed down a bunch of french fries just minutes before. Thrill that I could experience without thinking of the last words I was going to say before I died. Oh what a wonderful day it would be. 

I pulled on my favorite comfortable blue t-shirt and my denim shorts, brushed my teeth, and then went downstairs. 

In the kitchen Granny was whistling a jubilant tune as she scrambled a couple eggs. Red was sitting in a chair reading a book, Elvis laying next to her.  

"Hey Granny," I said, sitting down, "Morning Red." 

She smiled at me and then dove back into her book. 

"Hello Liebling, are Puck and Daphne up yet?" 

"I was just about to ask you the same question," I said with a slight smile. 

"Well then, could you go wake them up? I've made Puck's favorite bacon and it's getting cold," She replied. I eyed the strange looking meat my grandmother called bacon.

"Oh alright," I sighed, "you know how hard it is to wake them up..." 

She gave me an apologetic smile as I trudged back up the stairs and down the hallway to my sister's room. I quickly swung her door open and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Daphne, wake up!" I said loudly.

She turned in her sleep, mumbling. 

I groaned, "Daphne you have to wake up, we have an exciting day today!" I smiled, remembering our plans. She opened one eye lazily. 

"Five more minutes," she pleaded sleepily.

I sighed.

"Oh alright, but that's all you get! By the time I wake Puck up you better be brushing your teeth or I'm pouring water all over you." 

"Mhm.." she mumbled sleepily. I didn't care if she was paying attention or not, Sabrina Grimm doesn't bluff. 

I went further down the hall to Puck's room. Usually I would knock but this time I knew I'd have to just walk in or he'd never get up. I creaked the door open and peered in. 

His room was beautiful as it always was, greenery and magic floated around the room with his trampoline in the middle-- him sound asleep. 

"Why does he look cute?" I whispered to myself. I couldn't believe I just thought that, let alone said it aloud. Imagine if he were awake, I'd never hear the end of it. 

I realized Puck always looked very peaceful as he slept, very contrast to his rowdy, boisterous, and often annoying demeanor when he was awake. It almost made me not want to wake him up and instead just watch him. I shook my head, that would be creepy. 

I slowly crept over to him, almost as if I was still considering whether or not to wake him up, and then tapped on his shoulder.

"Hey stinky head, wake up." 

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