You've changed

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"Hey, stinkpot! Wake up!" I yelled into Puck's room that strange morning.

All I heard was mumbling so I knocked on his door three more times and said, "PUCK GET UP, WE'RE LEAVING IN 5 MINUTES" 

"Oh please, Sabrina! Just shut up! I'm up already up and have been for the past hour!" The first shock was that he was already up. Secondly, he called me Sabrina. Puck only ever called me things like 'dog face' or 'bird brain' or 'Grimm' he would never call me Sabrina, and for some reason, him calling me by my real name hurt more than any other insult he had ever said about before.

Not letting it get to me, I went back downstairs, and Granny said it was time to leave. 

I hopped in the car, wondering why Puck was so mad today and strangely he got there before me. Maybe he was just having a bad day. I had those too sometimes... 

At the curb, Granny pulled up and let us out. I slung my backpack over my back as Puck got out in front of me and Daphne didn't go to the same school as us anymore so she stayed in the car. I waved goodbye to them as they drove off and when I turned around Puck was already gone. I sighed and trudged into the school solemnly. Inside nobody stared at me, nobody even looked twice. However, everyone stared and EVERYONE looked twice at Puck. He was the king of the school, but he didn't even take a glance at his newfound followers, just standing there with his gang of other boys. For a strange reason, this new Puck gave me a different feeling. Not the same Puck I loved, not the Puck I would laugh with, and hug, this new Puck was not who I've grown up with. He stood over there with his new friends, in his new clothing and brushed hair. Who was this boy? I didn't know him anymore. 


At lunch, I sat alone. From there I stood up and walked over to where Puck was sitting. All around him sat at least six other boys in rugged clothing and dark grim faces as if they thought they were 'all that'. I must have gone through ten times what they have in their lives. I poked Puck on the back lightly and he turned around, and--- glared at me. 

"What do you want?" He said. 

I forgot why I came over here, why did I do this? So I just blurted out, "Don't you want to sit with me?" 

I heard snickers from around the table, one girl with a black ponytail burst into laughter, as Puck replied, "no, why the hell would I want to sit with you?" 

"You know what, you've changed, so don't talk to me ever again," With this, I refrained from slapping him in the face and stomped away as tears formed in my eyes. 


At the end of the day, I ran into the bathroom and splashed water on my face. I wouldn't miss the bus because I would walk home, and Puck was supposed to too, but inevitably he'd find a ride. How would I ever look at him again? I wiped my tears and brushed myself off, stepping out of the bathroom, when I walked out, my eyes and mouth were covered forcefully. 

 I was thrown outside and strapped to a tree. What the hell!? 

"Somebody help me!" I screamed. Nobody answered, I wriggled and thrashed and tried to fight myself out of the straps but they wouldn't come loose. Two people in fully black clothing walked out, one with a bat in hand. 

"Please no..." I whispered. 

"Who are you!?!?" I screamed. 

They untied me from the tree, but my hands were still cuffed by rope. I knew how to get out of this type of knot. Think Sabrina, think. I pulled my elbows out and pushed my hands into each other, then pulled as hard as I could. The rope snapped, so I took off running and I felt I was escaping until I was dragged back. 

"NO!"  I screeched out. With a swing of a bat, I was hit in the stomach, I cringed back in agony, falling to the floor.

"Please- who are you and what do you want with me!?" 

The person on the left of me had a long sleek black ponytail, that girl-- I saw her at lunch, this had to be turned in. Then around me circled more and more people all dressed in black. I let out a burst of tears. I was going to die, I knew it. Sabrina Grimm never cried, but it seemed as if I was crying more than I had in my entire life combined, I dehydrated myself of tears until I couldn't cry anymore. 

Then one of them came out of the circle, without a weapon, and lifted their mask. Under it was the green eyes I grew up with, the messed up hair I always knew. The grief of seeing his face pulled me down, I choked on my tears. 

"Well just do it already!" I yelled.

"I have to kill you... I'm sorry"

"No, why? what have you done to yourself? I loved you. I always have, you've ruined everything." I got up and walked away, then starting running, running as fast as I could, into the darkness where a large owl came and started chasing me, trying to throw me into prison for eternity. 

Then I woke up. 

My eyes shot open, and I ran down the hall to Puck's room and opened his door forcefully. 

Inside he was sitting and whistling next to all of his chimps.


"Woah, what?" He laughed, "Did my gnome show up in your toilet again?"

I felt his face frantically, touched his hair and grabbed his shirt pulling my face into his chest. 

"Oh my gosh.," I whispered. 

"I am so confused," he replied scratching his head. 

"I had a terrible dream- and you were- different and trying to kill me and-"

"That is hilarious!" He let out laughing hysterically.

"Puck, it's not funny!" I growled and plopped onto his bed crying, "You're awful!"

"Grimm, I didn't do anything," he said between laughs, "It's not my fault you dreamed about me!" 

"You called me Grimm!" I said smiling.

"Yes... I always call you that," he said staring at me strangely now. 

I ran over to him and leaped into his arms, "I'm so glad that was a dream, I love you"

"I love you too, Grimm," he said and pet my head then kissed my forehead, "So I must've been pretty awesome in this dream huh?" 

Thanks for reading this guys. This one-shot was inspired by @Sandycutee. :) Love you all. 


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