I wasn't ready to say goodbye

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Sabrina's P.O.V 

I woke up with a jolt at my buzzing alarm and took a big yawn. I slowly climbed out of bed and pulled on my slippers and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I stared at myself as I rubbed the bristles of my toothbrush up against my bleach-white teeth. I had highlights in my hair and my nails were done, all for this one day that comes around once a year. My birthday. And I was turning twenty-three.

I should be happy, this is the prime of my twenties, I can practically do whatever I want having graduated from college and having nobody telling me what to do anymore... but I'm not, and that's what sucks. This is supposed to be a happy day, but I'm feeling everything but. After Granny died, Daphne took on the Grimm legacy, but I just couldn't. After Puck left... and never came back, I swore I would never go back to Ferry Port Landing ever again after I got out of there. Too many memories that just hurt me to think about. Dad and Mom were fine with my decision but Daphne is still mad at me for trying to leave everything behind, she just doesn't understand. I LOVE Puck and I know she does too, but not like I do, nothing close to how I do. 

I got out of my trance, realizing I had put my toothbrush down minutes ago and had just been staring into the mirror. I balled up my hands into fists, walked back into my room to put on some clothes that were presentable, and then carefully put on the promise necklace Puck had gifted me so many years ago. He broke that promise, and ever since I bought my own apartment, I have never felt at home. Not even in my own room that I had furnished with the same wardrobe and bed that I had when I was twelve. I really do feel like I left everything behind, and I feel more alone than I ever have in my whole life. 

I walked down the stairs and made myself some breakfast when my phone rang so I went to pick it up. 

"Hey 'Brina! I just wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday!" I heard my uncle's voice say. 

"Oh, thanks, Uncle Jake. I'm doing great!" I said. 

"Any plans?" he asked.

"Uh... I don't know, I'm thinking this is going to be one of my more chill birthdays, you guys still can't make it over today?"  

"I'm so sorry, I don't think so, we'll come and visit you soon though, but you know the trouble Daphne is experiencing right now, trolls attacking villagers, Mad Hatter's running for mayor again too." 

"Oh gosh... yeah, no, I totally understand... are my dad and mom there?" 

"I'm not sure where they are right now, I tried to get them on the call but I couldn't find them. They'll definitely call you later though, along with your sister. Oh and make sure you tell me when my present for you arrives! I think you're really going to like it, and it should be at your house shortly according to this app on my phone." 

"Will do, Uncle Jake. Bye, love you.." I said hanging up the phone. Ugh, guess things in Ferry Port Landing aren't going too well, I don't want to sound selfish, but is a bunch of trolls goofing off in town really enough to miss my birthday? I sat down on the couch and held my face in my hands, trying not to cry. I don't even know what to do with my life. I have an internship to be a desk lady at a law firm but I absolutely hate it. It wasn't what I was looking for when I said I wanted to be a lawyer. Oh, and my love life is nonexistent, I've cooped myself in my apartment all day feeling ashamed, this isn't what Puck would have wanted for me. I cringed as I realized my cheeks were warm with hot tears and I went to wash them off when there was a knock on the door.

I went to the door and there was a small box that said it was fragile so I carefully brought it inside. Must be Uncle Jake's gift for me. I slowly opened it up and inside was the most beautiful bright blue hairclip I had ever seen. It was floral and strewn in bright gleaming diamonds and a delicate ribbon laced around it, it looked fit for a princess, I couldn't possibly wear something like this. The only thing that confused me was that there were no notes attached or even an address on the box. However, I felt so amazed by the generous gift that I decided I should go thank Uncle Jake right away... the phone rang once, then twice, and a third, fourth, fifth, sixth time but nobody picked up. 

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