Trapped here with you.

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Sabrina's POV.

I was so excited. We're currently leaving to go onto our plane to go to Hawaii. It's our first vacation with the whole family and I'm just so happy I can't contain the smile on my face. Daphne has been biting her palm for the entire morning and even Puck seems content. As well as my dad, well that's a first.

Granny's cooking up a quick breakfast and packing the coolers with fruit and water. Uncle Jake's moving our luggage into the trunk of the car. Thirty minutes later we're all cramming ourselves into the SUV. I'm in the back with Daphne and Puck. My parents are taking a separate car and Uncle Jake's in the front driving with Granny Relda in the passenger seat next to him. We wanted Red to come but she's spending the Summer with Mr.Canis and he doesn't like the hot. I got the smallest seat in the car. The middle in the back. I'm not even mad because I'm just so happy about this trip, but seriously how good can it get when you have a smelly 4000-year-old fourteen-year-old boy on your right and your annoying younger sister on your left that decides she's going to name the state of every single license plate she sees.

I pull out my phone and start texting my friends. They're all also going on big trips this month. They're laughing and talking to each other when I realize I'm stuck in this car for an hour and a half with Puck. Ugh. Should I try to count how many times he tries to burp or fart? Uck. After everything's ready Uncle Jake revs the engine trying to seem cool, but it just doesn't work with our lame car. Then he pulls out of the driveway with my parents behind. Puck turns over and props his stinky feet on my lap.

"Ew, Puck, no!" I scream and shove them off.

"'Brina, calm down, Puck, keep your feet to yourself and put your seatbelt back on right now," he says.

"Oh come on old man, you're no fun!" Puck says sticking out his tongue.

"I'm not even that old! Younger than you," Uncle Jake says defensively.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Puck says with a huff, "but I'm immo-"

"Oh shut up," I say.

"Really dogface, you wanna fight with me right now? I still have an hour to burp in your face so you better watch it," he says.

I scowl at him and turn away to look out the window when he farts. Smelly, and loud.

"Gross Puck!" I yell. He starts laughing so I punch him in the gut.

"Ouch, Grimm!"

"Granny, can I move?" I ask.

"No, at least not right now, and only if others are okay with it," Granny responds.

"Daph-" I say.

"No," she interrupts me.

"Oh my god," I say.

"Come on, Sabrina, you're fourteen now, you can grow up a little," she says.

"Oh, I need to grow up? What about Puck farting and burping all over the place like he can't control it!" I say angrily.

"Actually, Stinkpot, I can't control it," he says.

"Don't even say that I know you can,"

An hour later we show up at the airport and grab our luggage out of the trunk. Everyone has one suitcase to themselves. I wheel mine inside and meet my parents at the check-in where they take your luggage to put it under the plane. Puck's making a fool of himself jumping up and down and making disgusting noises that I don't even know how and it's utterly embarrassing so I leave the line, leave my suitcase with Uncle Jake and pretend I don't know him.

After we've checked-in we have to go up to security. They check our passports and boarding passes and then we pass through the metal scanners. Everyone gets through fine. Then we start passing through the halls to get to our gate. B5. We finally all get there and sit down, tired. My mom opens up her laptop and my dad pulls out his book. BORING.

I look down at my feet and sigh, "I'm hungry," I say.

"Okay, you can go get something to eat, maybe you'll find a sandwich or something," my mom says.

"Hmm, okay, Daph do you wanna come?" I ask her.

"Nah, but can you pick me up something from wherever you go?"

"Really?" I say looking down at her.

"Yes really," she responds.

"Fine, anyone else wanna come?" To be honest I'm a little scared to go by myself. I don't wanna admit it because I'm a teenager now but I honestly am.

"I do!" Puck says grinning at me.

"Alright so nobody wants to come with me?" I say ignoring him.

"Oh come on Grimm, let me come!"

"Fine," I see my dad look disapprovingly in our direction. I ignore it and set off with Puck behind me. We pass some massage chairs and I just wish I had a quarter, but I don't. I've got twenty dollars and it's all going into snacks.

There are only a few food and pastry shops and A LOT of gift shops so we decide to take the elevator up to the 2nd floor of the airport. We both fight to press the button first. Okay, I seriously need to grow up. We step onto the elevator and press the button for the 2nd floor. It's going up... up... up... and then I hear a boom.

"Uh oh..." Puck says.

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