Awkward... I think not

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Puckabrina Status: dating :)) 

          Sabrina opened her eyes and took a big stretch as she smiled. Today she was going to spend the day with Puck.  She felt a little weird that morning but she wasn't going to let that ruin her day. It had been so long since they'd been able to hang out because of school and her and Daphne's magic training. She excitedly pulled on her socks and her favorite blue sweatshirt and then raced down the hall to his room. She used their secret knock and soon he opened the door for her.

As the door opened she saw him with his boyish grin and ran in for a hug. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder laughing before plopping her down on his trampoline bed covered head to toe in blankets and fairy lights-- except the lights, they were his pixie minions. 

Sabrina looked up astonished at the sight around her. 

"You did this for me?" She asked. She had never seen Puck put so much effort into something for her. 

"Mhm, do you like it?" He asked grinning.

"I love it, Stink pot!" She said, tackling him. He laughed, head locking her and then kissing her on the forehead. 

"So, I was thinking we could watch a movie first... and then maybe go to the park?" Puck said smiling sheepishly. 

"Sounds good, as long as there's-" 

"Snacks?" He said finishing her sentence and pulling out all of their most favorite treats, ice cream, chips, popcorn, anything Sabrina could have wanted, anything other than the constant odd taste of her Granny's cooking. 

"I love you!" she said, grabbing the chips. 

"So it's the food that keeps you here?" he grinned. 

"I won't lie to you, it's a factor," she smiled back, eating a chip.

Puck opened up the family's shared tablet and turned on the newest Mission Impossible movie that they had both been dying to watch. 

Sabrina squealed, and dove into him, relaxing her head on his warm chest, she rarely became this excited over anything and it had been a while since she was actually happy to be doing something. 

She gasped, "Puck you showered! You smell... amazing!" She said astonished. 

"Uh-huh I know, you owe me," he smiled. 

She settled in closer to him as the movie began. 

They watched for a while until Sabrina began to feel her stomach churn. She decided to ignore it but soon it only got worse. 

After 20 minutes, she turned to Puck and asked him to pause the movie. 

"What's wrong?" He asked confused. 

"I don't know... I have a really bad cram- oh shoot," she said scrunching her face together when she realized what day it was.

"What happened?" He asked concerned.

She took his arms off of her and quickly backed away to reveal a blood stain under her on the blankets and slightly on Puck's shirt. 

"Oh my god, I'm so so sorry," she said embarrassed and almost holding back tears. Why couldn't this week just go the way she wanted it to? What she was most scared of although wasn't the horrible cramp eating her insides, but instead how her very boyish boyfriend would respond. 

Puck looked down at his shirt and the blankets and paused what he was doing, "Grimm-" 

"I know, it's- it's gross, I'm so sorry, I ruined everything," she said flinching as she held back the terrible aching in her pelvis. 

"What??? No, It's okay, Grimm, I don't know much about these types of things, but I know it's natural and you can't do anything about it. It's okay, it's just some blood, I'll clean it up, you just go do whatever you need to and then come back. Okay?" 

Sabrina stared at him astonished before nodding as she hurriedly ran out of the room and changed into new pairs of pajama pants and underwear. She went to the bathroom and put on a pad. It's all okay she sighed relieved, Puck understands. With that she smiled as she went back to his room. 

As she arrived at the door, Puck picked her up again and put her back on the blankets, handing her some pain reliever and a glass of water. 

"Okay, you know... I really really love you, and it's not at all because of the food," she smiled. 

"I love you too," Puck smiled back, holding her close and putting a blanket over them as they finished the movie. They decided not to go to the park that day, and instead just stayed in and fell asleep peacefully in each others arms. 

Hope you guys enjoyed, this was just so sweet and fun to write/let my imagination run. Don't forget: Ladies, we all deserve a guy or girl who treats us like Puck treated Sabrina in this one-shot. DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS. Love you guys. <3


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