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hey hey welcome to my new fic!!:D idk if you guys remember the story i once had up here called "how to be a cool dad 101", this is the story just with a new plot!! i wrote on it for a while now & i finally decided to release it after some of my friends pushed me to publish it >:D

warnings;; smut!! & angst

⚠️ Disclaimer (january 2020)⚠️
Please spare the comments about other books from different authors, ive had read enough of them and it ruins fun in writing for me. I know sometimes certain characters remind people of other stories but as in my case, i do not read fanfiction i simply write it so there's no chance i got inspiration anywhere else

> It was meant to be nothing but a distraction.

No one told Jungkook how hard it'll be to resist his best friend's charms, not even for his own son's sake.


"I'm 20 years old, let me be 20 for once."

"You stopped being able to act your age when you got me pregnant, Jungkook."

"Daddy! Where are you going?", Taejeon asked, tears welling up in the small boy's big doey eyes.

"I'm sleeping over at my friend's dorm tonight, baby", Jungkook hummed softly and kissed his son's forehead.

"Is it Taehyungie's dorm again?" <


ready??:D let's get it! ;)

"I gotta be real with you now, gguk. You should break up with her."

"You say that every fucking day", Jungkook rolled his eyes at his best friend and walked faster to get ahead of him. Taehyung was holding a camera in front of his eyes to take some nice shots for his project. Until now he didn't even decide for a topic, all he did was recording everything that caught his eye and took photos of it.

"Turn around", Taehyung suddenly yelled out and Jungkook flinched around, confused as hell. "Why you gotta yell at me?!", he complained but got stopped by the click of the camera. Taehyung's smile got brighter as he took a look at the pic he just made. "Damn", he chuckled proudly.

"Isn't your topic nature and shit like that?", Jungkook asked but put an arm on Taehyung's shoulder to glance over it and get a look on the picture. "I have no topic", Taehyung hummed.
"All you recorded by now were flowers, trees or the landscape. I'm not a tree.."

"Shut up, I'm just taking photos of beautiful things, bro", Taehyung snapped and turned away and started taking photos of the park through which they walked currently.

"Gay", Jungkook laughed and ruffled Taehyung's hair. "Ew, don't use such insults on me-", Taehyung scrunched his nose and kept walking behind Jungkook. "Anyways. Back to the important stuff in life-", Taehyung switched the topic again and grabbed Jungkook by his wrist to turn him around. "You have to break up with Lyza."

Jungkook didn't answer, he only let out a sigh and pushed his hands down in his pockets. Of course Taehyung was right with that, of course it wasn't okay to stay with her if he didn't feel love anymore but it wasn't that easy. There was a little 5-year old boy sitting at home in their small apartment which they rented a few years ago, a little boy named Taejeon who simply needed his parents. Both of them. Jungkook knew how it felt to grow up without a mother. And he didn't want to do the same to his own son.

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