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what if I'd release a oneshot book with every possible ship in bangtan and some of them might turn into full stories 👉👈😔 would anyone read it? 😔😔

oh eh trigger warning btw!!; slight mention of selfharm


"Hey do you know where Jungkook is?", Taehyung asked awkwardly two days later when he met Lyza in the hallways, she was on her way to class.
"No idea", she brushed him off. "And I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't talk to my boyfriend", she added sharply.

"I just want to make sure he's okay, I swear", Taehyung said in a small voice, cheeks heating up.

"Well I don't know and I kinda don't care", with that the girl ran off, leaving Taehyung standing. "God Taehyung there you are", Jimin groaned, running after him. "Class is about to start!"

"Jungkook didn't show up for the first four periods, Jimin I have to go and see if he's alright", Taehyung grumbled, already packing his bag. "What the fuck? Would you stop caring so much for this idiot finally?", Jimin hissed, getting annoyed easily just by hearing his name.

"No, I would never."

"Dude he left you, get over it."

"Jimin, he just found out I slept with his girlfriend. He has no one to talk to, and he's not showing up to class, sorry that I won't stop caring about him just because he hurt me. Love doesn't work like this, man. I have to-", Taehyung stopped and gulped dryly when he saw Jimin's confused look getting angered bit by bit.

"He chose to leave you, when will you choose to leave him too?"

"I won't", Taehyung said firmly.
"And I won't let you take away the way I care for him, he's been by my side all my life I can't just stop. It's all I have left."

Jimin wanted to answer, he really wanted to but something else draw his attention to it. It was when the main door opened and Jungkook walked in, when it gave Jimin as well as Taehyung shivers down their spines. The boy looked drained out, face blank and his eyes so damn tired as if he had no sleep in weeks.

He was wearing a big pink hoodie and some tight pants even though it wasn't that cold outside today, hair in a mess and his skin colorless. Everything about him looked numb and his eyes were the only thing that still held color in it. Red-, because he didn't stop crying for once.

"There you go", Jimin whispered as he saw Taehyung literally running across the hall towards the younger. "Kookie!", he breathed out, stopping in front of him.
Jungkook eyed him quietly, not saying anything. Expressionless still.

"Kook where were you? You missed half the day I was worried and we really need to talk about what happened-"

Jungkook listened to him attentively, eyes burning in pain from too much tears in a too short span of time.

"I was about to go look for you", Taehyung's voice was almost stuck to his throat with every word he said, feeling like some pathetic idiot right now.
"I had a doctor's appointment", Jungkook said really quietly, voice all soft and calm. Something about it was reassuring, relaxing to Taehyung as he heard the quite squeaky voice being so firm and put together.

"Why? Are you okay? Are you sick? If yes, then you need rest! Is it something b-bad?", Taehyung immediately asked, reaching for Jungkook's hand but the younger stepped back, hands going behind his back.
"No, I'm okay", he said softly.

"You don't look okay", Taehyung let out weakly.

"Then stop looking, Taehyung. No one asked you to." Jungkook shrugged, looking into his bag to see if he had all his books with him, trying to avoid the older's piercing gaze that made him extremely uncomfortable.

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