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since this is the last part of daddy issues, i just wanted to say thank you SO much to all of you. you loved this story so much, i read such amazing comments and messages with so much thoughts put into this story i got so happy over it. (even tho y'all hated on my jungoo sm )): )

i love you guys so much, thanks for supporting this story so much, i loved writing it!! it was by FAR my favorite fic i ever wrote and it helped me a lot with growing my writing

anygays, let's get it!<3


Heartbreak, experienced by millions yet no common technique to overcome it without going through endless amounts of pain, sleepless nights and aching hearts whenever the thought of that one person reaches back into our minds.

Healing, it takes time that's all we know, yet no one can give us a specific point in time when it stops hurting.
For some it takes a night to get over it while others struggle for a lifetime.

Finding the one, it's talked about a lot in movies and books yet most people don't ever find their one and only. It's more than that, some of us see their one in every second person they meet, others never find them. And then there are the differences everyone makes, while for most of us the one is the one who brought the most pain, a few believe in the one bringing us nothing but happiness.

That's not actually true though. Love isn't about bringing purely the best or purely the worst. There's always a balance of things and so it's about love. While your soulmate could bring you nights with so many tears, they could also bring you days with a lot joy.
It's never simply the good or the bad sides.

If we truly love, we want it all.

The smiles, the tears, the hardships and the successes. We want the kisses but we also want the long talks when things hurt.

Nevertheless, usually it's rare to find someone ending up with their significant other. Not because they didn't love each other or didn't want it enough, mostly it's the circumstances that fail us. Timing or other people interfering, that's what happens so much.

In Jungkook and Taehyung's case, both of it happened at once.


They didn't talk again after the day Jungkook left the town.

At first, Jungkook stayed at Jin's place because he met him on the streets that afternoon. Jungkook didn't have a plan at all and Taejeon wanted to watch his favorite TV-show, so they stayed a few nights over there.
Then Jungkook's way lead him out of the country, actually into another country where he knew that homosexuality was way more accepted than in South Korea.

Taejeon should grow up in freedom, deciding for himself who he wanted to love. Another thing that made him go there was the distance. Far away from their past, Seoul out of sight and most importantly, Taehyung was at the other end of the world.

There was no way Jungkook and him would cross paths again, not even by accident.

After he dropped out of college, he got into a small company in Chicago, starting off as the bosses' assistance. He didn't do much, he always brought him coffee and meals, then sat down and did some phone calls.

With time he grew within the company, from phone calls he got into planning meetings and join business talks to listen. Finally someone saw him growing and appreciated it. He earned some extra money on the weekends working in a small bar. He kept sending the money to Lyza's Dad to pay off his dept. Actually he never wanted the money back, but Jungkook needed that to get it off his chest.

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