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i love writing this book and idek why


The nineth call, Taehyung still didn't pick up. Jungkook threw his phone on the bed angrily, pressing his hands against his face as he fought the upcoming tears. "Baby!", Lyza's voice was heard from the kitchen, Jungkook's anger only growing wider as he remembered the words that left her mouth two days ago at Taehyung's apartment. How she called him faggot, described him as sick.

Jungkook felt like throwing up just by looking at her, she was an awful human being in his mind. And not just because of that, he also gave her the whole guilt for him not being able to fool around with Taehyung anymore.

The older had cut the contact off between them, not reacting to any phone calls or messages at all.

"Babe", Lyza stood now in the door frame, arms crossed. "Can we go shopping?!", she asked softly, smiling brightly. "You don't need new clothes", Jungkook grumbled a little annoyed. "But I want new clothes", she pouted, walking closer as she grabbed him by his collar with a look on her face that was probably meant to seduce Jungkook. Eyes big like a puppy, lips a little pouty--, yet Jungkook didn't feel a damn thing.

"Yeah, whatever let's go", Jungkook hummed, grabbed her hand and walked out of the room. He didn't bother changing into suitable clothes, no, instead he wore a striped sweater he stole from Taehyung ages ago paired with baggy pants that looked like pyjamas. "Won't you change before we go?", Lyza asked a little confused.


"You never go out looking like shit, what's up with you", she mumbled, eyeing the sleeping bags and reddened eyes her boyfriend had for the past few days. "Taehyung's always out there shopping, usually you dress up in case you meet him", she hummed, tone a little sharp. She never liked it how Jungkook always tried to look good whenever he was around Taehyung while he gave not a single shit when he was around her.

"Pretty sure he won't ever talk to me again", Jungkook groaned. "Let's fucking go", he added, annoyed by just hearing his name. It left his heart shattered, feeling like it broke in pieces even though he knew it was his own damn fault. He should've just told her the truth.

"Change", she hummed, pointing towards the wardrobe.

Jungkook, even more angry now, ripped the sweater off his chest and walked over to the wardrobe, completely forgetting that he was still covered in hickeys-
"What's that", Lyza asked bluntly. She couldn't believe he seriously had no shame to show his kissing marks in front of her. "You didn't have to make it that obvious", she voiced but Jungkook simply turned around.

"Oh don't worry. That's over", he said coldly. "You wanted me to change clothes, so that's what I'm doing", he groaned, putting on a black shirt and some ripped jeans.
"You didn't leave the house since I picked you up from Taehyung's", she stated. "And those hickeys weren't there when you left that night."

Jungkook laughed weakly, "Oh, really", he chuckled and then grabbed her hand. "Weird, hm?"

She gulped, silenced and walked besides him not saying a word.
Their way to the mall was quiet, no one daring to say a thing while Lyza slowly but surely made some connections in her head.
"You really let her come over to your best friend's apartment just to have a good Alibi", she whispered after a while.

Jungkook facepalmed himself.

"Shut up Lyza, it's for the best."

"That's not how you're supposed to talk to your girlfriend!", she cried out but Jungkook only laughed. "And my girlfriend isn't supposed to call my best friend a sick faggot, guess we're both in the wrong."
He let go of her hand as they entered a store.

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