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trigger warning; smut & homophobic language


The bell rang pretty early the next morning. Lyza was already up, preparing breakfast while Jungkook was still asleep, holding his phone close to himself where still the picture of Taehyung was opened. His girlfriend luckily didn't notice it when she got up.

"Good morning!", Taehyung said enthusiastically when he dropped Taejeon off at his parents house after he stayed the night. The little one immediately ran into the apartment and jumped in front of the TV to watch some morning kids show he never got to watch because his annoying parents wanted to talk and play with him. Ugh, Taejeon was almost a grown-up, he shouldn't be playing dumb games.

Lyza watched after her son who didn't even found the time to tell her a good morning.

So the girl looked up and sighed when she saw Taehyung's bright smile. "Morning", she hummed. "How did it go?"
Taehyung chuckled, "Oh, we had lots of fun. We played games all night and Taejeon always won! I'm so proud of our baby-"

Lyza coughed but then nodded, "Our baby, r-right." She tend to forget that Taehyung always acted like a parent as well.
Taehyung glanced at Taejeon, eyes sparkling in pride when he saw the kid humming the intro for the show he turned on.
"You seem quite happy lately", Lyza mumbled, eyeing the boy awkwardly. "Well, I am", Taehyung grinned.

"Something happened?", she asked, eyebrows furrowed. "Did you meet someone?"

Taehyung looked at her a little confused for a second, then he shrugged. "No one new", he answered. "Where's Kook?"
Lyza gulped, funny how Taehyung's thoughts automatically wandered to Jungkook when he got asked about his sudden happiness.

"Asleep", she only said. "Wake him up, breakfast's almost ready."

Taehyung felt like squealing just by thinking about having some minutes to himself with Jungkook this morning. Of course, it was wrong to feel that happy about seeing your best friend. There was nothing logical about the things he felt the past few days, but he knew for a fact that whenever he thought of Jungkook's eyes, his smile or the way his lips fitted his own perfectly - he just knew, that's when he felt the happiest.

He rushed over to Kook's bedroom, closing the door behind him slowly before he walked over to his bed. The younger laid there, curled into a small ball, one of his hands still in his pants while he held his phone in the other hand. Taehyung grinned when he quietly grabbed the phone to put it away- while doing so he accidentally pressed the unlock button and wow. His heart stopped for a moment when he saw a picture of himself on the screen.

"So, that's what you're doing next to your girlfriend at night, huh-", the older chuckled, softly turning the boy around so he was on his back.

Stupid, Taehyung. What he had in mind was nothing but dumb.

But he couldn't help it.

So he carefully got on top of the younger, wrapping the blanket around them while he let his own hand wander down the boy's body, leaning down to kiss his plump lips. Jungkook seemed to feel it, he arched his back, pouting his lips as he let out a small whimper.
Still caught up in his dreams.

"T-taehyung~", he whispered, eyes closed. "I want to have that", he whined, pouting even more. "Buy me chocolate ice cream, please", his voice was all high-pitched, squeaky.

Taehyung laughed, "Oh Baby, what are you dreaming-", he hummed, pressing their lips together.
Jungkook kissed back immediately, not wasting any chance to do so. A small giggle coming up as he bucked his hips, trying to brush his dick against Taehyung. "I want dick~", he pleaded.

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