got tagged <3

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i know this isn't really daddy issues related but,,,

i had no idea where to post this so i decided to put it into my favorite book :D
thank you so so much GgukieBottoms for tagging me!!❤️

i had no idea where to post this so i decided to put it into my favorite book :Dthank you so so much GgukieBottoms for tagging me!!❤️

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1. straight 💯

2. i'm a girl 👑

3. always :D at least i try to always stay happy and positive during everything!

4. last song,, hm must be jackie chan by tiesto, been listening to it all day 🎶

5. i've got brown hair usually but currently i'm blonde^^ not for long anymore though

6. scorpio ♏💯

7. a guy from college i hooked up with for a while until corona forced us all to go back to our hometowns 😐

8. orange, always had been and always will <33

9. pizza and spaghetti for sure, i love italian food!

10. believe it or not, but 100%

11. jungkook 💯

12. tomato ❤️

13. dark brown eyes

14. lowkey wanna be a model or an actress one day 😭✋ but i'm a literature major so i'll probably end up in that department and that's amazing too :)

i'm too lazy to tag 20 people so if you wanna be tagged just imagine i tagged u and go do the tag ❤️❤️


anyways thanks for reading this little tag thingy (if you didn't it's fine too lmao) aNd alSO THANK YOU FOR 90K+ ON DADDY ISSUES we're almost passing the 100k mark i'm so proud :((❤️❤️❤️
i miss this book so much

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