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"I heard you broke Namjoon's glasses at school today?", Jimin asked. The older sat on Jungkook's small couch, legs and arms crossed while staring at Taehyung and Jungkook angrily. Both had nothing to answer so they kept quiet. "What's wrong with you?! They never did anything to you", Jimin grumbled, clearly trying to defend the olders. Even though Taehyung and Jungkook were his best friends, he didn't like how they acted around other people. They always showed off some asshole-ish self, bullied the ones who were a little different than them and kept on mocking people for being themselves.

Jimin knew that his wasn't their real self, actually they were pretty sweet and caring. Especially towards Taejeon, or towards him. Or with each other. That's also the reason why Jimin stayed with them, he simply knew them better than they did themselves from time to time. "They're gay", Taehyung argued, convinced that this would be a valid reason for bullying someone.

"So what?", Jimin asked, eyebrows furrowed. "You're straight, so what? It's none of your business who they like to sleep with." Jimin rolled his eyes. He didn't even knew why they were so homophobic sometimes, it just didn't make sense.

"It's disgusting, man. It's wrong and it's.. it's just-", Taehyung shrugged and looked at Jungkook, "Help me, idiot", he snapped. But Jungkook was focused on some papers he had to read through from Taejeon's kindergarden. Soon he would have to go to school already, so right now everyone kept talking at him about it, told him his son was dumb and not good at socializing and all that fucked up shit he didn't want to deal with at an age of 20.

"What?", Jungkook looked up, not having paid any attention at all. "Tell him why we broke Namjoon's glasses."

"Because he's some gay kid that doesn't deserve otherwise", Jungkook hummed and then got up to go look for his son.
"I don't get it", Jimin sighed. "What if I'd fall in love with a boy? Would you bully me as well then?", he asked Taehyung sharply. "You're not into boys, stop speaking nonsense", Taehyung murmured and turned the TV on. "Can we stop talking about it now?"

"Not until you tell me why you care what anyone else does in their bedroom. I mean, no one knows what you do in yours, so why judge others?" Jimin insisted on this topic, having a point. "Jungkook knows", Taehyung snapped, even though it doesn't even made sense.

"Mh so you're telling me your guy best friend knows what you do in your bedroom?", Jimin raised an eyebrow. "We usually choose the girls for each other. Or well, he does for me since he got boring and only fucks one."

Jimin sighed heavily. "Yup, I give up."

Taehyung smiled satisfied and turned his head towards the TV were some kids show started and something small came running from the kitchen. "Taejeon!", Jungkook hummed when he finally found the kid. He looked for him everywhere - well except for under the kitchen table where the kid was hidden and eating chocolate.
But now he jumped on the couch, cuddled himself on Jimin's lap and started singing the intro of the show.

With a sigh Jungkook returned to the couch, sat down and ruffled his hair. His eyes looked tired, his smile worn out and his hair was a huge mess. "Ouh ggukie", Taehyung said softly and pulled Jungkook in his arms, hugging him softly.

"Why are you so stressed out today?", he asked worriedly. Jungkook always had a serious expression all over his face, barely smiled and never seemed to really enjoy anything. But today, he seemed a little off. As if something was bothering him more than ever. "I'm not", he only said as he laid down his head on Taehyung's shoulder. "Where's Lyza?", Jimin suddenly asked. "Gym", Jungkook replied shortly. He couldn't wait for her to come back home, he needed some time off and he had basketball match this evening so he hopefully could calm down there for a bit.

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