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Jungkook woke up by the smell of fresh pancakes and waffles, melodic classical music playing from the kitchen while the sun softly tickled Jungkook's nose. "Babie~", Taehyung's low voice came from the door frame, lazily leaning on it as he watched the boy, still wrapped up in blankets with his hair looking as if he'd just been in a storm.

But the boy was staring in awe, blinking twice to make sure he was awake for real. Just watching Taehyung standing there like this, wearing a rather elegant, striped shirt combined with some silky dark brown pants- he looked like a real man. "Wow", Jungkook breathed out as he slowly sat up, brushing through his messy locks.

Taehyung chuckled, of course he realised the fascination sparkling in the younger's eyes while watching him, how much he adored, yeah admired him. And he loved that, he just felt his heart fluttering everytime he realised that Jungkook didn't look at anyone the way he saw him.

Never before Jungkook's eyes got all big, blinking in disbelief with the brightest sparkle in them. It just happened when he stared at him.

"I made breakfast-", Taehyung said, looking away a little shy.

The younger smiled, "You're perfect."
Taehyung shook his head and then walked closer to the bed, leaning down to place a small kiss on Kook's forehead. A kiss that held so much more meaning to it than they'd actually admit. "C'mon", he reached for Jungkook's hand and pulled him up.

Instead of letting him walk on his own, he just grabbed him by his waist, spun him around and pressed their lips together, embracing him in a tight hug. Jungkook let out a small whimper, startled by the sudden kiss, yet kissing him back longingly, almost desperatly how he needed to feel Taehyung's lips as much as possible.

Their kiss could've lasted forever if there wouldn't be a burnt smell coming for their noses. Taehyung quickly pulled away, "Fuck!", he squeaked and rushed into the kitchen. He just burnt one of his precious pancakes.

With a groan he turned the stove down, putting the waffles and pancakes on a plate neatly. Right when he was about to place them on the table, a small tap could be felt on his shoulder. With a smile, Taehyung turned around, looking into Jungkook's doey eyes that caught his attention instantly.

"Hi", Jungkook hummed quietly, pouting his lips a little as if he was waiting for something. Taehyung lifted his eyebrow, "What do you want, princess?", he asked, intertwining their hands carefully.

"You", Jungkook whispered under his breath, quickly looking down. While the older started grinning, Jungkook couldn't help but let out a whiny sound. "Please-", he hummed, looking up as his eyes felt with tears.

He wanted that, he needed that. Him. Taehyung was the only thing that could make him feel better, the only one to take away the pain that constantly ate him up from his insides. The overgrowing fear of never being able to feel happiness if he wouldn't change something about his life, the loss of hope, all those things messed Jungkook up so badly.

"Jungkook? Are you alright?", Taehyung asked worriedly as he realised the tears in the prettiest  eyes he had ever seen. "What's wrong? Baby, what is it?", he kept asking but Jungkook didn't respond, eyes glued to the floor.

Taehyung sighed, softly pushing the boy's chin up with his finger. "Look at me", he demanded, locking their eyes. "And now talk to me."

The boy's shoulder fell, "I'm so afraid", he admitted, voice cracking.
"P-please, just make it stop", he pleaded, small tears rushing down as he pulled on Taehyung's sleeve.

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