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"Shit, I've never been happier to see you", Jungkook hummed as he pushed the door open for which he had his own key, of course. "Geez, she really did give you a hard time", Taehyung chuckled, spreading his arms widely for his best friend to run into. And so he did, they melted into the tightest hug they probably ever had, Jungkook inhaling the sweet scent of Taehyung, smiling for the first time that day.

Taehyung would always be his happiness. "Let's get you drunk, alright?", Taehyung said softly. Jungkook nodded as he pulled away and let himself fall on Taehyung's huge bed. "I still can't believe you've got your own hotel, plus you live in the penthouse." Jungkook rolled his eyes, Taehyung was literally the whole opposite of himself. While Jungkook lived in a small apartment, rented by his parents and always dependent on them, Taehyung simply bought his own hotel with the trust fond he had gotten for his 18th birthday.

"Marry me, I'll spoil you." Taehyung teased, sipping his beer while handing Jungkook one as well. "God, I would in an instant if you'd be a girl", Jungkook sighed, smiling a bit while watching his best friend for a while. He looked beautiful today, maybe because the lights were dimmed and Jungkook had a thing for that, or well, because he dressed up for that party to hit on his girl again.

"When does the party start?", Jungkook asked, sitting up and taking a look at the mirror. He still looked a bit worn out and tired. "Do you have powder here or something?", he asked quietly, only to get a shocked look by Taehyung. "You're not going to wear makeup-, gosh babe, you can not be girly like that", Taehyung's eyes widened.

"I just look like shit and this won't get me any girls", Jungkook hummed.

Taehyung sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine. Bathroom, second drawer."
Jungkook nodded, hurrying over to the huge bathroom. He quickly found the right drawer, opened it and got greeted by a collection of stuff Taehyung seemed to hide usually. There was powder, some porn with names that creeped Jungkook out so much that he didn't even turn them around to read what they were about- well and lube.

"Dude, what do you have lube for--", Jungkook laughed as he returned with the powder in his hands, powdering his nose and his cheeks. Taehyung's cheeks flushed red, "Shit, forgot that shit was in there too. Y'know, sometimes it's just- when girls aren't wet enough. Or I-I'm not h-hard enough-" he looked down, blushing like crazy.

"Oh c'mon as if you'd ever fail at getting a girl wet." Taehyung sighed, "Yeah, it's more for the second reason."

Jungkook's eyes widened as his eyes somehow shifted towards Taehyung's pants. He could already feel the alcohol hitting his blood, making him a little drowsy. He wasn't used to drinking a lot, so even beer affected him. "Such a waste."
Taehyung's jaw dropped, "W-what-"

"Nothing." Jungkook chuckled, grabbing a bottle of vodka and filling up shots for both of them. "You still didn't answer me when the party starts."
"Half an hour, we should get going gguk", Taehyung hummed, still a little off and confused how Jungkook meant his words. "First, love shots!", Jungkook squeaked and hopped over to Taehyung, carrying the shots safely.

They crossed their arms, locking them with each other and took the shots. "Damn, that shit's lit", Jungkook chuckled and Taehyung had to smile at Jungkook's expression. Everytime he gulped down alcohol he scrunched his cute little nose, looking even more like a bunny. Since when did he even recognize stuff like that? With a sigh he got up, glancing at Jungkook who was looking up with bright sparkling eyes, smiling weakly. "Hey, thanks for convincing me to come with you today. I have a feeling that this is gonna be the best night I ever had."

"Sure will." Taehyung got lost in the younger's eyes for a second, but then shot his head up, rushing across the room to focus on deciding for the right jacket. "Do you think she prefers leather or jeans?", Taehyung asked quietly, turning towards Jungkook who still sat there, looking dizzy and blown away. "Mh, you'd look perfect in everything", Jungkook hummed.

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