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"So I think purple flowers should be queen and green flowers should be king. They could have kids and they'd be pink or black. And then I buy a garden and they live there! And marry! And have kids, and then I will make them sandwiches and buy them dresses. So Jimin will be the prince and Yoongi could be the princess, also I will be the bad boy who kills them all-"

"Okay, but I've never seen black or green flowers, Taejeon. And your story got pretty deadly real quick", Taehyung hummed, acting shocked and surprised by Taejeon's future predictions.

That's what Jungkook woke up to the next morning, when he opened his eyes and blinked twice he saw his son sitting on Taehyung's stomach and draw a picture with flowers and other stuff on it which got chaotic pretty fast. His heart almost skipped beats when he saw Taehyung having this huge smile on his pretty face while he kept Taejeon company. They were adorable together.
"Good Morning", Jungkook murmured softly and snuggled closer to Taehyung, wanting a hug.

But Taejeon held his feet into his father's face and said, "You cuddled with him all night and almost killed me because I had no space. It's my turn now. You can have Taehyung later, go away", Taejeon pouted and Jungkook let out a sigh and then sat up.
Taehyung gave him a emphatic smile and winked, "It's Taejeon-time. He's telling me about the future. The world is gonna be ruled by flowers!", he said excited and Taejeon started yelling in happiness, clapping his hands. "Until I KILL them", he grinned.

Jungkook only shook his head and got up, not saying anything to their weird imaginations. "I'll prepare breakfast", he only said and then walked into Taehyung's kitchen, leaving his boys by themselves.
While he put all the dishes on the table and set plates up and all that stuff he kept hearing giggling from the bedroom, Taejeon's happy squeaking sounds and Taehyung's adorable laugh. Is that what a real family would feel like?

At home every morning was the same. Lyza and him woke up, stressed. They didn't talk, they didn't kiss, they didn't wished each other a good day. Lyza always took their kid to kindergarden while Jungkook spend his day at college and spend his evenings looking for a job. He didn't like to be relying on his father's money. After his mother passed away some years ago, he always felt bad for taking his father's money.

It just hurt to feel everyday as if he woke up to a future he didn't really wanted to live. If he had the choice in the first place, he'd never put his future together like this. A kid wasn't planned until thirty. Now he was 20 and his kid already five, just because his first time went horribly wrong. He'd never forget how much their parents scolded Lyza and him for having sex with 15.

Why couldn't it feel like it felt with Taehyung?

Whenever Jungkook and Taejeon were with him, it was like holiday. Happiness and peace surrounding them, playfulness and fun made it all so enjoyable. 

Taehyung had always been his family. From the day they met in kindergarden, during all the hardships they already lived through, he stayed by Kook's side when his mother died, pulled him back when they got bullied in elementary school and he was still there now that they were in college and Jungkook was supposed to be a good father.

Who cheated on his girlfriend with his guy best friend.

"What are you thinking about?", Taehyung asked amused once he entered the kitchen and saw Jungkook staring into emptiness. "You", Jungkook gulped and blurted out in all honesty until he realised what he said, blushed and turned towards Taejeon who stood on the floor and had nerd glasses on and wore a T-Shirt from Jungkook. It hung on the floor because it was too huge for him and he looked like a ghost in it. "What are you wearing, young man?", he asked judgingly.

"It's because I'm the only intellectual in here", the kid snapped and then walked away.

Jungkook sighed and looked up to Taehyung who had this smirk plastered on his oh so pretty lips, did he ever mention how perfect shaped those lips were?!
"Stop", Jungkook grumbled and hated this smirk.

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