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jungkook: *breathes*
everyone in the comments: jungkook you dumb fucking bitch SKSKSKSHCHENCB

guys ik how i portray jungkook, he'll get what he deserves you can be sure of that


About last night;

Left, right, left, right-, Jungkook had been walking up and down his small apartment at least thirty times now, repeating the words he was going to say in his mind over and over again.
It was almost 8 pm, Taejeon wanted to go back to bed early today luckily, after his father told him he wouldn't get to see Taehyung in a while, Taejeon just started crying, yelled at Jungkook for always ruining everything and then went to bed.

His mind kept dazing off to Taehyung. How his face dropped when Jungkook just left like this, breaking a heart he cared so much about as if it was nothing. That's what it seemed like and Jungkook tried to not think of it.

He always did that whenever he was in denial. If you don't say it, it's not real and if you close your eyes from something, it goes away. Jungkook always lived this way, he didn't know anything else. No matter how hard he'd try, he'd never be a person Taehyung deserved to be with and he knew that.

Maybe it was meant to be that way.

And to ensure himself of this, Jungkook held the small ring in his shaking fingers. The ring he got from Lyza's parents a while ago, when her father came up with the idea of them marrying. It never left Jungkook's mind since that day. And what would be a better way to stop running back to Taehyung if it wasn't a wife at home?

Marriage was something else, it's not being lovey dovey. When you marry someone, you're committed to this one person and Jungkook knew he needed something like this to force himself out of his bad habits he tended to fall for again whenever Taehyung walked up to him.

It needed to stop, Jungkook made a choice. When he left the apartment of his once best friend, he didn't just leave a room. He left a life, a heart. Probably with no return-button.

And he'd make sure of this.

A key unlocked the door, slowly opening up. Seconds later Lyza walked in. She cut her hair short, dyed it brown-ish and looked somehow really different. "Lyza", Jungkook said softly, smiling a little when she bit her lips awkwardly, placing her bag on the floor next to her.

"You bought flowers", she mentioned, glancing at the bouqet of roses Jungkook placed on the kitchen counter behind them.
He nodded, "Y-yeah I-I-", he started but got so nervous when he thought of what he was going to do next.

Lyza raised an eyebrow, a small sigh escaping her lips. "And you're here", she hummed, biting her lips again.
Jungkook looked down while walking up to her.
He slowly kneeled down, cheeks flushing red as he looked up to her, "Lyza-"

The girl's eyes widened, "N-no, what are you doing-", she asked quietly, shocked by his sudden actions.

"I'm sorry for everything I put us through", Jungkook started, gulping dryly. "I have no fucking idea how this works-", he stuttered, pulling out the small ring again.

"But let's j-just start over. Let's try again", he asked in a small voice. "Would you want to..-", he gulped one last time, finding it hard to actually say it.

"Marry me?", he finally said, smiling awkwardly.

Lyza stayed still, looking at him a little judgingly. "Did you break things off with him?", she only asked, eyebrows furrowed.

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