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Jungkook was peacefully asleep on the couch, he didn't make it to bed after his argument with Lyza. He simply couldn't bare it to sleep next to her, acting as if she wasn't a total bitch that pissed him off. The clock striked 7am, his alarm went off and reminded Jungkook of the horrible last day he had to live through before the weekend.
It was also the day of Taehyung's stupid party which caused all that drama.

With a sigh he rolled over, forgetting about the fact he wasn't in their king-sized bed which let him crash on the floor with a loud sound.
Jungkook cursed to himself, as he sat up, rubbing his head in pain. How a great way to start the day. Before he could even wake up completely he got reminded of another painful thing in his life. A child that was laughing his ass off over his dad's meeting with the living room floor.

"Taejeon, I swear to god", Jungkook said angrily, got up and looked over to the kid who was holding his tummy, laughing even more in that high-pitched sound he always had when he annoyed someone. Lyza stood in the kitchen, only smiling satisfied with Jungkook's bad mood. "Morning", Jungkook hummed towards her, ignoring the kid. "Good morning, did you sleep well?", she asked bittersweetly.

"Shut up", the boy only hissed, grabbed his jacket and put his shoes on without even looking in the mirror which was a mistake.
He looked like a mess, hair all over the place, bags underneath his eyes and his expression sleepier than ever. "Where are you going?", his girlfriend asked. "We were about to have breakfast."

"Taehyung." Jungkook simply answered, smiling sweetly. "So you rather meet up with your friend at 7am instead of having breakfast with your family?", Lyza asked reproachfully but Jungkook gave her such a deathstare that she shut up. "Taehyung's my family. He's not laughing at me or pissing me off all the time", Jungkook snapped, left the dorm and shut the door loudly.

They met up at a coffee shop around the corner. Their friend Jimin worked there part-time so this was their favorite hangout spot. "You look like shit", Taehyung commented as he saw his best friend approaching him. "Thanks", Jungkook mumbled and walked straight in. They chose their usual spot at the window and waited for Jimin to come pick their order. "It's 7am, how can you already look like you had a hell of a day?", Taehyung asked a little worried. "Lyza's driving me crazy", his best friend explained shortly, looking through the menue to decide what he wanted to have for breakfast.

"What happened now?", Tae asked softly.

"We got in a fight yesterday evening over which food to order. Ended up in me sleeping on the couch, falling off it in the morning and Taejeon and Lyza laughing at me." Jungkook explained, smiling weakly but thankfully that Taehyung listened, seemed to care.

"She's so annoying, you'd be better off without her."

"Taehyung. Not again, you know exactly why I have to stay with her", Jungkook sighed quietly while brushing through his messy hair to at least make it look a little softer. "No, I don't know. Taejeon would want you to be happy too. Maybe there's another girl around here who could make you so much happier. Taejeon would still have both of you. C'mon, it's been 5 years and you stopped loving her at least 3 years ago."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Why you always have to be right?"
"Because I'm god."

"You're not god, how often do I have to tell you that?", Jungkook giggled a little over his best friend, he was such a dork at times. "Don't know. I'll keep saying it to see that smile", Taehyung said softly, pinching Jungkook's cheeks which turned pink the second he touched them.

"So we're gonna find you a cutie tonight, you'll forget about your housewifey for once and have some fun, promise?", Taehyung suggested, smile brighter than the sun. Jungkook only laughed, "No, I gotta take care of Taejeon--"

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