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the way i wrote half of this book while listening to 'call you mine' by bebe rexha and now jungkook puts it in his playlist, my daddy issues heart was shaking

also last chapter guys ;))


Jungkook walked back home. He didn't cry, he didn't smile. There was nothing left for him, no emotions he even wanted to feel. All he could think of was his son, he really needed to wrap his arms around the child right now. His soft giggles, the little kisses on his cheeks and the way his eyes lightened up while talking.

The feeling of longing to hold his baby, it grew with every step he took towards his apartment. Pushing away the painful thought of losing Taehyung and Lyza, on the same day.
He couldn't blame them. He fucked up, no one else did.

The rain stopped by now, the sun coming back from being hidden behind clouds, drowning the soaked wet streets in sparkling, almost shining roads. Jungkook's eyes glanced around, hands stuffed deeply into his pockets and for the first time in forever, he felt free.

Who would tell him now what to do? Where to go?
Well, Taejeon. Because everything always had to go his ways, but besides from the little one, there was nothing left for Jungkook.
Failed college, no relationship, no friends.

Maybe-, just maybe a fresh start would be all he needed? They all did.

He wasn't the only one who walked out of his with a broken heart. They all did. And along the way they pulled people like Taejeon and Jimin within their sadness, causing their lifes to turn problematic without them doing anything wrong.

The door opened before he even grabbed his keys. Lyza stood there, wearing sweatpants and an oversized shirt, hair in a bun and no make up on her face. The boy let out a sigh when he once again realised how beautiful she was, now more than ever after she literally went out of her way to save them.

Just that some things are too broken to be saved, just like Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Taejeon is waiting for you", she said quietly, not questioning what happened. Actually, she didn't want to know what went down with Taehyung. It was none of her business anymore. Jungkook nodded and passed by her, heading towards the living room.

The kid sat on the floor, he had his bags packed and his favorite plushie close to his chest. Well, his bags weren't really packed since he only stuffed them with candy and plushies. But, at least he tried. "Daddy", Taejeon smiled. "Where's Taehyungie?"

Jungkook smiled sadly, holding back tears as he sat down on the floor and pulled the kid into his arms. "Gone", he whispered. Taejeon gulped, nodded and then wrapped his hands around his Dad's neck, giving him a kiss on his nose. "But Taejeon is still there", he smiled, trying his hardest to cheer his father up.

"That's the most important thing to me", Jungkook replied, ruffling the boy's hair.

"And Taejeon will always stay with Daddy", the little boy explained firmly, looking into his father's eyes. "If I get a frog."

"You'll get whatever you want", Jungkook hummed.

"Okay, big car. A horse. Two frogs. Mickey the fish. Two swimming pools and two bitches."

Lyza as well as Jungkook were a little shocked at what their son said, but they didn't question it further. "Where will you take him?", Lyza asked quietly. "I think he'll stay with you, right?"

"If that's alright for you", Kook shrugged, feeling so small and dumb.

"I think you rather need someone to take care of you than I do. And Taejeon is quite good at that, he's a good boy", Lyza hummed. "Where will you go?"

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