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trigger warning; violence ):


"Another F", Mrs Choi slammed the maths exam on Jungkook's table, looking at him with a face that said it all, pity and sorrow written all over the woman's rather wrinkled face.
The boy's expression dropped along with his shoulders, "I studied so much for this", he whispered, getting angry at himself.

"Apparently so much isn't enough, Jungkook", she hummed, leaning down to look at the younger with a really serious expression. "There's only one exam left, Jungkook. If you won't get at least a C, I can't let you pass this class."

"B-but", the boy stuttered, "I'm in my third attempt", he gulped. "I can't fail!"

"You've got to work harder, Jungkook, I'm sorry", she shrugged. "There's no way to give you better grades than you deserve. I'm always trying to find points somewhere in your exercises but it's like you're writing stuff without even knowing connections between them."

"I'm just not good at maths", he grumbled. "It's not just maths class, Jungkook. You're failing biology and history as well-"
"I am trying my best!", he groaned.

"Your best doesn't seem to be enough for college then, Jungkook."

"My best is never enough", the boy whispered, tearing up right in class. God, this was fucking embarrassing. He cried like a pussy, right in front of his teacher. "Are you alright? I mean, emotionally. You seem so off most of the time."

"No, nothing is alright but who cares", Jungkook grabbed his bag and got up. Everyone else left already, rushing into lunch break.

"Wait", the woman sighed. "Do you need someone to talk to?"

"No", Jungkook hissed.

"You're not alone, y'know there are ways to deal with emotional instabilities if they affect your education", she suggested but Jungkook looked at her weirdly, "Do I look like I need emotional support?", he asked confused. "I'm fine."

"You're clearly not fine", she responded, following him when he tried to leave the door. "I can't try to help you pass this semester if you're not willing to talk. I can't solve problems I don't know about, boy."

"You wanna know what's wrong?", Jungkook asked, sounding highkey aggressive as he slammed his books on the table. The exam paper he held in his hands, he just ripped it apart and threw it into the rubbish.

"What's wrong is that I'm 20 years old, I have a child at home, a girlfriend that just left me hanging for two weeks and on top of all of that, I'm fucking gay and I can't do anything about it and I hate it and I really have bigger problems than some dumb math exams!", he yelled out and then broke into tears completely.

The woman gulped dryly, shocked that there was actually so much going on in the boy's life.

"Okay", she said, rubbing her eyes. "W-we can find a solution to this."

"No, we can't. If there would be a solution I'd already have found it. I'm bound to this girl because I gave my mother a promise before she died and no matter how logical it would be to break up, split the child's time and come out as gay, I fucking won't break my promise! It's not that easy. And now leave me alone."
With that he grabbed his books and rushed out of the room, leaving the woman confused and worried.

His way lead him towards the bathroom where he put his stuff aside and just leaned over the sink, looking into the mirror with tears still falling. "Come on", he grumbled at himself. "Stop being a fucking baby", he balled his fists, world spinning around him.

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