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i literally wrote this chapter three times because i wasn't satisfied with it ): hope y'all enjoy!! also im sorry, this one has no taekook interaction and no taejeon but its v important for the storyline you'll understand why later on!!


"Ready?", Lyza asked softly, tilting her head towards her boyfriend. Jungkook stood in front of their full-body mirror, wearing a nice black suit and a tie. His gaze kept shifting up and down his body, insecure of himself, of his appearance this evening.

Everything about him seemed so weak today. Maybe it was the hanging shoulders, the tired smile or his eyes that kinda lost their sparkle tonight, or maybe it was just his mind showing him that he had no intention of going where they were about to go.
Lyza's parents invited the couple for dinner tonight at some fancy restaurant down the road where only rich people could go to. Taejeon would spent his night at Taehyung's after a big discussion about how he didn't want to be with him, rather with Jimin.

The kid didn't seem to forgive him and his Dad about the thing he saw, even though both didn't understand what he was so mad about. In the end, he was the one who kept talking about them together. But now, he almost seemed scared. He barely talked to his father the past 24 hours, clinged onto his mother and didn't talk much at all.

It was rather untypical for the usually so hyped kid.

"Kook, you're looking good. Stop staring", she hummed, carefully patting his back to comfort him. The girl herself looked drained out, hurt and weak. It was obvious that she spent a lot of time crying, trying to stay strong in front of everyone else.

"Do you have some powder? And lipbalm?", Jungkook asked shyly which made Lyza furrow her brows but then nod quickly. "Of course", she hummed, hiding her confusion over her boyfriend's sudden interest in make up. She grabbed a powder and some strawberry flavored lipbalm from her purse and handed it to her boyfriend.

The boy gave her a smile and then applied both to his face.

"Jungkook?", she asked quietly.
"Yeah?", he replied immediately, turning towards her.

"You look pretty", she smiled and gave him a small kiss to his cheeks. They didn't properly kiss in days, Lyza felt him being even more distant than usually. She didn't want to get to close, not as long as he was obviously kissing someone else the girl didn't know about.
"Thanks. You too", Jungkook replied, taking her hand.

With that the young couple left their small apartment and made their way towards the restaurant. It wasn't far, they could easily walk there. Lyza was wearing a small, tight black dress which matched Jungkook's suit, usually Kook wouldn't be able to take his eyes off her. Even if they fought all the time, Lyza was still the most attractive girl in Jungkook's eyes.

Her skinny body, her wavy, long hair and those big, shining eyes. Everything about her was beautiful.

Yet Jungkook couldn't stop thinking how Taehyung probably looked right now. Was his hair all messed up? His eyes sparkling full of that energetic adorableness he always had? Would he already be wearing his pyjamas, the cute pink ones they bought years ago when they wanted to match their sleep wear?
Jungkook literally couldn't stop imagining Taehyung cuddled up with Taejeon in his bed, talking to the kid so softly and kindly.

That's when he realised, as much as he tried the past few years, Lyza would never be Taehyung.

"You're thinking of her, right?", Lyza suddenly asked, tears sparkling in the girl's dark eyes when she caught her boyfriend staring straightforward with a fond smile plastered on his lips.

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