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After the dance contest thingy was over, Jungkook decided to take Taejeon home. Lyza would probably already yell at him for staying overnight with their kid at another place but Jungkook didn't care. He seriously had no energy to discuss with her again.

Taehyung wanted to join them and Jungkook let him, it was always better when he was around. Even though he knew exactly that Lyza would freak out over it. Again.

Taejeon was waddling on the ground, singing Expensive girl because he didn't get it off his mind since the performance earlier and tripped every five meters, maybe Jungkook should let him see a doctor. He really got way too clumsy at times with his feet.
"Hey Ggukie--", Taehyung suddenly said, Jungkook caught him staring at him when he looked up and raised an eyebrow questioningly.


"Your hair looks gorgeous today", he said, cheeks flushed red while he admired Jungkook's curly hair which was all messy because of the wind. Taehyung had a thing for Jungkook being a mess. "Oh-", Jungkook gulped. "T-thanks?", he asked slightly unsure why he got this compliment.

Taehyung smiled shyly, looked down and kept on walking while Jungkook wasn't able to control his fucking heartbeat! It speeded up, it skipped, it dropped. All at once and he had not a single idea why. Taejeon looked up from above and grinned devilish. That's the tea he signed up for.

When they reached Jungkook's stupid small apartment which had barely any space, they ran into Lyza. Her eyes were reddened, stained tears on her cheeks and her hair put up in a bun. "Wow you look like shit", Jungkook blurted out when he saw his girlfriend like that. Taejeon kicked his leg, "Bad!!"
Lyza only kneeled down and grabbed her baby. "You could've at least called me Jungkook. At least tell me where you take my kid", she snapped and hugged Taejeon tightly.

Kook rolled his eyes, "It's our kid. And i was only at Taehyung's."

She laughed weakly. "Sure."

Then she glared at Taehyung, "I can't believe you're actually supporting him in this, Taehyung. You've known me since forever and you just let him use you as an alibi to cheat on me?! He has a kid, Taehyung. A kid. Your job as a best friend is to tell your dumbass friend what's wrong behavior."

And with that she got up again, Taejeon pressed against her chest while the kid was watching the whole thing quietly, trying to understand it.

"He's not cheating on you, Lyza", Taehyung groaned. "He did one mistake and he did it out of frustration. If you wouldn't be such a fucking bitch to him all the time, he wouldn't have felt the need to run into someone else's arms. Now leave him alone, it's enough for today", Taehyung grumbled, put his arm around Jungkook's waist and pushed him inside.

Lyza left there standing, eyeing Taehyung's hand softly placed on her boyfriend's waist, holding him in a way that wasn't really friendly-ish. "You see that too, right?", she asked her son, but didn't realise that he probably wouldn't understand.

"They always walk like that", Taejeon only hummed and pressed his face into Lyza's cheek, kissing Mommy's cheeks until the tears were gone. "Taejeon is fine", he smiled brightly. "Mommy does not have to cry!! Taejeon was with Daddy and TaeTae all night, Daddy's not lying."

Lyza smiled half-hearted. "So being with Taehyung is in any way better, huh?", she asked a little sarcastically.

"Yes!! They love each other soo, so, so much, Daddy smiles so much with Tae!"

Lyza sighed, tears coming back. "C'mon, I'll get you something to eat", she said and walked into the apartment as well to prepare lunch for her kid. Taejeon got excited over a lamp (which had always been there) and kept dancing his new learned choreography on the kitchen counter.

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