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double update cuz why not, i felt like it uwu


"No, for fuck's sake. Now you wait for a damn second, I've got way more important shit to deal with than sitting in your dumbass office, fuck off god", Jungkook hissed at the principal, ripping his hand out of his grip.
His body turned automatically, facing Taehyung.

"You have some serious explaining to do, asshole." With that he grabbed Taehyung by his wrist and literally pushed him against the wall. Taehyung went quiet, eyes wide as he felt helpless against Jungkook who suddenly used his muscles for the first time to attack Taehyung.

"Girly little faggots that beg for cock, huh?", Jungkook yelled into his face, "Who the fuck do you think you are, Taehyung? Jokes on you, you're the idiot here."

"Hey, hey, calm down Mr Jeon--", the principal tried to interrupt, walking closer.
But Jungkook turned his head, slowly, eyes filled with anger. "No, the fuck, no."

"I have to inform your parents-"

Jungkook decided not to care anymore, instead he pressed Taehyung against the wall, making him choke because his fingers were clenching on his throat.
"Baby-", Taehyung coughed, trying to somehow calm him down.
"Don't you dare", Jungkook slapped him across his cheek, laughing bitterly.

"I'm sorry, I was just talking about Jin-"

"Jin? Oh my fucking god", Jungkook breathed out, inhaling deeply. "What you just said wasn't against Jin, Taehyung. You insulted every bottom, every boy who sometimes wants to feel pretty. So what if boys put on powder or behave girly? You fucking insulted me in there, Taehyung. All those words you just said--"

"You've heard them before, I know, I'm sorry I wasn't thinking back in there- I t-tried to get us out of suspicion!"

Jungkook pulled him forwards just to slam him against the wall all over again, Taehyung whimpering in pain.
"No one fucking suspected us! You could've punched both of them, you could've said other things. But no, you decided to just insult every boy out there who likes to bottom. Fuck you, Taehyung, fuck! you!"

Taehyung was quiet, not saying any further. He saw his mistake and he was already regretting it. "I didn't think you'd get mad-"

"Yeah exactly. Because I'm just a whiny little bitch that wants dick", Jungkook laughed and stared into Taehyung's eyes, smirking a little. "Jokes on you, Taehyung, jokes on you. You can insult everyone in this school, every single person all across the world. But you're not going to talk badly about me in any fucking way."
He grasped his fingers a little more, making the older gag a bit.

"G-guys-- Your parents will be here in half an hour-- I'll see you then in my o-office", the principal stuttered, shocked by Jungkook's sudden outburst.

"Fuck off", Jungkook snapped at the old man.

Then he grabbed Taehyung by his collar and dragged him with him. "You dumb asshole will go back in there and you'll fucking say sorry to Jin and I'll make sure everyone listens."

"Ggukie!!!", Taehyung whined, "That's so fucking embarrassing, please please don't make me do this", he clinched on Jungkook's arms but Jungkook only pushed him away. "No. If I mean a damn fucking thing to you, you'll do that. If not, you can kiss my ass and get a new best friend. You're not going to make me feel bad about myself just because I have a different sexual preference than you have, I won't give you that power over me."

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