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listen to the song i put in above this chapter it suits the vibe of this book so well 👉👈😔


"Can I have some caramel pudding with vodka topping?", Taejeon tilted his huge head, playing with his fingers cutely while his baby eyes got all innocent and Jungkook felt like crying just because of how fucking adorable his son was.
Maybe it wasn't completely horrible that it happened back then-

"Do you even know what vodka is, darling?", Taehyung asked softly, brushing through Taejeon's hair who still throned on the boy's lap.

"It's fun drink Daddy drinks everytime Mommy and he fight!", Taejeon explains. "So I don't want chocolate topping, I want fun topping!"

"I'm pretty sure that doesn't taste that well", Jungkook hummed, watching Taehyung and Taejeon being sweet as usually.

"But Daddy drinks it all the time!"

"Your Dad doesn't drink it for fun, Taejeon. Vodka is a bad drink, it makes you think differently, it lifts weight off your soul", Taehyung explained, glancing at Jungkook worriedly.
There were still huge sleeping bags beneath his eyes, smile worn out and his shoulders constantly dropped.

Nothing like he was some years ago.

"But that sounds like fun! Maybe if I drink it the kids at kindergarden won't be meanies anymore", Taejeon hummed, pouting his lips. Taehyung let out a sigh, eyes softening even more. "Who's mean to you, sweetie?"

"Everyone!", Taejeon complained. "And I don't understand why! I also try to be nice and fun! I even offered them to share my barbies with them but the boys don't talk to me, only punch me. And the girls say they don't want to be friends because I have a dingdong!!"

Jungkook frowned, tears almost coming up just by listening to that. It just sounded too familiar. Taehyung pulled the boy into a hug, kissing his head once. "I'm sorry Taejeonie", he hummed. "They're missing out, you're the best boy ever. I am glad I'm your friend", he whispered, brushing the boy's back carefully.

Taejeon sighed, "Hm."

Jungkook still stood in the room, not sat down yet after Jimin left, feeling like literal shit. "Do you want to switch to another kindergarden?", he asked softly. "I want you to be happy, nothing else."
Taejeon looked up to his Dad and shrugged, "Would it make you happy too?", he asked quietly, voice high-pitched and somehow sounding worried.

"Of course, I'm happy when you are", Jungkook gave him a soft smile, walking closer and sat down next to them.
Taejeon started to smile brightly.

"Okay! Daddy hasn't been happy in a long time..", he said slowly, glancing at Taehyung. "My Dad only smiles when he's with Taehyungie because Taehyungie brings happiness", Taejeon giggled and kissed Taehyung's cheeks. "That's why I love Taehyungie so, so, sooo much!"

"He does?", Taehyung smiled a little, glancing at Jungkook who looked away immediately.
Taejeon nodded, "Yes!"

Jungkook got up, "I'll lay down for a bit, I don't feel good", he mumbled and then rushed towards the bedroom, hiding the tears that kept coming up.

Taehyung's words, still clear as water inside his head, hurting every time he remembered how he laughed at Jin, punched him and made fun of him. It could've been him. And there were painfully many comparisons that obviously related to Jungkook.
Nothing ever made his heart ache like that.

Flashback - 7 years old Jungkook&Taehyung

"Good morning!!", Jungkook cheered, holding up a sandwich for Taehyung when he arrived at school. Tae's parents' driver took the kid to school every day. So Jungkook waited for them as usually.
Kook's mother leaned down, giving her son a soft kiss on his forehead, "Stay away from the meanies today, yeah? Promise Mommy you will stay away!"
Jungkook's eyes went big, "But they asked if Tae and I will play football with them today!"

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