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im updating this book a lot lately oops sorry


"Let's skip English class, yeah?", Jimin suggested, grabbing Taehyung's hand so he wouldn't get anxious over remembering he had this course with Jungkook.
The younger was also back at college, just like Taehyung.

"I'm fine", Taehyung hummed, clearly not fine at all if you'd consider how red his eyes were-, swollen from nights of crying.
"Actually I want to go to the toilet now", Taehyung pulled his hand back, "Okay let's go", Jimin agreed and was about to head to the boy's room but Taehyung stopped, an annoyed expression covering his face.

"Stop babying me, dude", he snapped. "I said I'm fine, I won't kill anyone if you leave me alone to go pee by myself."
Jimin rolled his eyes, "Sorry for caring?", he grumbled, let go of Taehyung's hand and turned away. "I'll be at the cafeteria. Join me then", he said and walked off.

Taehyung nodded, smiling to himself. He was sneaky, he saw Jungkook going to the toilet earlier-, out of curiosity he just wanted to.. to go there. And see. Just to--, yeah he didn't know why but he wanted to see the younger.
So his feet carried him over to the small bathroom, he opened the door and rushed in, closing it quietly.

Quiet sniffles stopped as soon as the person in one of the cabins realised he wasn't alone anymore. Taehyung decided to just stay where he was and.. wash his hands or something. He just wanted a real quick glance at the younger, just to make sure he was alright? He missed him too much.

"Who's there?", Jungkook asked from the other side of the cabin, a little scared of walking out since he knew what happened last time when he was here all alone.
Taehyung didn't say a word. Jungkook would never come out of there if he knew Taehyung was there.

"Seriously, who's there!", Jungkook started to panic, gripping onto the door handle to hold it close. "I'm going to call the principal if you want to hurt me!"
Taehyung chuckled quietly, Jungkook was adorable at times, especially when he got ridiculously scared for nothing.

"Am I allowed to call the principal too because you ripped my heart out? That shit hurt too", Taehyung finally answered, leaning against the door of Jungkook's cabin from outside.
Jungkook's heart skipped a little, "Tae", he whispered. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, Jungoo", Taehyung sighed, tears coming up just by listening to his favorite voice in the world.

"Are you happy with Jimin now?", Jungkook asked, voice unstable and cracking.

"What?", Taehyung asked confused.

"Hoseok and Yoongi said he's always with you now", Jungkook hummed. "That's my place. By your side, I mean."
Taehyung knew exactly how Jungkook was pouting right now, his doey eyes lightening in the most innocent, adorable way. He always looked like this when he got jealous over something but wasn't going to admit it. He could literally feel Jungkook leaning against the door as well, still holding it locked.

"You walked away from me, Kookie", Taehyung let out in a small voice. "I never wanted you to leave my place that day."

"Wish I could turn time back", Jungkook hummed sadly.

"No, you don't", Taehyung laughed weakly, "You're pathetic, Jungkook. I really hope Lyza will leave you halfway through this fucking forced marriage, you'll miss me and I will have moved on."
With that he stepped back from the cabin and walked over to the sink to wash his hands, for no reason at all.

"Tae", Jungkook unlocked the door, hurrying to step out as well. "I'm sorry, can we just go back to what we were?"

"What the fuck were we, Jungkook?", Taehyung asked, not looking at him. He only glanced through the mirror.

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