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"What are we doing, what are we doing, what the fuck are we doing", Jungkook kept repeating the same words over and over again, panicking inside while stumbling after Taehyung who took the lead since Jungkook was way too wasted. They were rushing back to Taehyung's penthouse, walking along the dark alley which was completely empty, no car, no human being outside at this time of the day, well or night.

"We're going home, stop freaking out, Gguk", Taehyung said, impatient. He couldn't wait, he literally waited all his goddamn life for this day, even though he never realised it until this day. But the feeling of his pants growing tighter with every whining sound from Jungkook, he couldn't help himself. Yeah, they were drunk. Yeah, this was a mistake. But Taehyung decided to simply stop caring for one night, so did Jungkook.

At least he tried.

The younger was freaking out over the warmth filling up his lower body, tensing him up with every step. "Tae, w-what's happenin-" "You've got horny by feeling my dick." Taehyung explained simply, chuckling weakly. Jungkook gulped, remembering that they were supposed to be homophobic. "Did anyone saw us leaving together?", he questioned, obviously being scared of other's reactions. "Dude, we literally go everywhere together and always leave with each other."

Jungkook nodded and calmed down. "True."

Taehyung suddenly stopped and turned around, eyeing Jungkook for a second. "It's not like back then", he whispered, held out his hand for the younger which he grabbed immediately. He inhaled deeply and then hurried after him. It wasn't a long way until they reached the hotel, running towards the elevator. Taehyung pushed Jungkook inside and as soon as the doors closed, he pressed the younger against the wall, locking their eyes with each other. "You're cute when you're nervous", he hummed against the other's lips, softly and quietly. It sent Jungkook's mind miles away, somewhere where he himself couldn't find him. All he wanted this very moment was to feel those lips that whispered in such a sweet voice on his own. Feel them moving into a slow kiss, not a rushed one. For the first time in forever he really longed to feel a kiss.

"Gosh, what am I thinking-", he breathed out, cheeks turning in a bright red in embarrassment. Taehyung only smiled, carefully placing his knee between Jungkook's legs before lifting it up until it reached his middle which was already quite hardened. "The elevator takes forever, huh?", he hummed, voice deep and raspy. "Mhm", Jungkook voiced, eyes falling shut, he was overwhelmed by his own emotions. He never felt in such a way. Not in a very very long time.

Finally the door opened, the boys jumped away from each other and ran towards Taehyung's penthouse. Jungkook growing impatient with every second he wasn't feeling Taehyung's hands anywhere near him. "Hurry up." He pleaded, hands shyly around Taehyung's waist, shoving himself closer to him.

And Tae could feel exactly why the younger suddenly turned so needy. There was something huge and hard down his pants, growing bigger as he started to rub it against Tae's ass. "Babe, stop behaving like a Top-", Taehyung gulped, pushed the door open and dragged Jungkook in. He forced him to sit down, not touching his butt again.

Jungkook pouted a little but nodded then, sitting at the corner of the bed, knees pulled to his chest and his chin resting on it.

"You alright?", Taehyung asked a little worried as he came back from the bathroom, throwing the lube on the bed. But he stilled as he saw tears in Jungkook's eyes. The younger kept quiet, not saying another word.

The older sat down, putting his arm over the younger's shoulders lazily, pulling him close. "We don't have to do this, it's okay. We'll forget about it", he slowly murmured, even though this was the last thing he wanted to do, but Jungkook suddenly seemed so uncomfortable with all of it.

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