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nevermind when I said it calms down i legit made me cry myself while writing this?? im sorry lmao but it's heading towards the end soooo stay with meeee


"I draw something", Taejeon threw a drawing right into Jungkook's face. His Dad was leaning over notes he took at college, trying to get some math formulas into his head. "Look at it", Taejeon said sharply.

Jungkook looked up, sighed and took the drawing, glancing at it. "You draw a middle finger? And a broken heart?", he asked in disbelief.

"Yes because I hate you", the kid grumbled. "You took my best friend away and I don't have any other friends!"

"Well same", Jungkook snapped and ripped the drawing apart, "Go to your room, I want to study in peace."

"No", Taejeon yelled, grabbing Jungkook's books and threw them to the floor. "You're my Daddy, you have to play with me!"

"Shut up", Jungkook hissed and grabbed the books from the floor, placing them back on the table. "You're a bad Daddy!"
"Thanks, I know", Jungkook smiled bitterly and then sat the kid down on his lap. "What do you want to do? Why are you being so moody?"

"I miss Taehyungie", Taejeon whined, tears coming up. "I hate here! I want to move to Taehyungie! Mommy and Daddy go to hell I don't care!!", he yelled, now tears falling down his big puffy baby cheeks, lips in a pout and eyes sparkling with huge teardrops.

"Taejeon, please", Jungkook sighed. "You do realise we're doing this all for you, right? It's for the best."
"It's not! Taejeon is happy when Taehyungie is here! Mommy and Daddy are SHIT! No one likes Taejeon, no one has time to smile and play! Only Taehyungie!"

Jungkook furrowed his brows, "Stop saying his fucking name", he snapped and then sat the kid down on the floor. "Your room. Now", he groaned pissed. The kid sniffled, then rushed into his room and slammed the door shut. Then he cried extra loudly so Jungkook would hear for sure.

"What's going on?", Lyza asked after she came back from having breakfast at the coffee shop. "Jungkook?", she asked worriedly when she saw Jungkook in tears, hands hiding his face but tears even dripping down on his handwritten notes, slowly turning the papers wet. He cried a lot, tears not able to stop.
"Go away", Jungkook sobbed. "Don't look at me", he said embarrassed.

He didn't want to be like this. Weak, nothing but pity-worthy.
All Jungkook tried to be was an adult man, fighting the odds to be a good father and soon to be husband.

"No, Jungkook, no", Lyza said in a small voice, expression going soft as she walked closer and hugged him from behind. "I'm sorry", she whispered. "We need to talk, we really really have to."

Jungkook tilted his head a little, hands going down as he uncovered his face. His eyes completely red, lips bitten from anxiety-, Lyza couldn't help but feel sorrow looking at him.
"I met Taehyung today", she started slowly.

"Can everyone just stop saying his name, please", Jungkook broke into tears all over again, this time clinging onto Lyza's arms because honestly? He had nothing else to hold onto anymore.

"Kook, he's in love with you. He's so goddamn much in love with you", she whispered, voice going softer the more she said.

Jungkook stayed silent, quietly sniffling while Lyza kept holding him.
"Are you sure you want to marry me? Kook, we can work this out-, I-I don't-, didn't know you two were that serious", she mumbled, feeling so bad for tearing them apart.

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