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ily guys but no one is perfect and neither is kook in this story sksks ):

long ass chapter cuz i didnt update properly the last few days, imma try to update my other stories as well today stay tuned uwu


6 years ago

"I can't believe he's late again", Mr Jeon sighed heavily, rubbing his sleepy eyes to get a clearer view of what was in front of him. "I think Lyza called him in the morning to come over and talk about something-", Taehyung hummed, looking through the menue of the small restaurant they sat in to celebrate Jungkook's father's 50th birthday.

He didn't want a huge party, he wasn't much into socializing anyway, quite similar to his son. So he simply invited Jungkook and Taehyung for breakfast, how they did the past years since Jungkook's mother passed away.

"It's 9am, how early did she call", Mr Jeon sighed and Taehyung shrugged, "Not sure, I was half asleep when he left my apartment."

The old man nodded, looking now on the menue as well, "Wanna order already or will we wait?"

"Let's just get a coffee as usually, when was he ever on time", Taehyung laughed slightly, Mr Jeon joined in, his laugh softly and coming from heart. He gave him a nod and then looked at Taehyung with his expression softening, "He's meeting her a lot lately", he mumbled, rubbing over the table nervously.

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah, they get along, he's glad it works with her, y'know."
Mr Jeon scoffed, "I wish he'd stop lying to himself."

"Me too, me too", Tae's face dropped, "But he thinks he owes it to her parents for saving his life, I can't even be mad at him."

"He kissed you just last week, I saw that. Now he's fooling around with this t-this girl
who stood there next to him back then, not doing shit about what happened to him. Two weeks ago I had to throw some other girl out of my house in the morning because he brought her home. Jungkook's too much lately-"

"Stop", Taehyung hummed, "He's young and he's confused, please don't blame him for trying."

"You're too patient with this boy. I'm sick of seeing my son hooking up with different people everyday, that's not how I raised him!" Mr Jeon balled his fist, "Now he's even ditching his own father for his birthday? For what? Some morning sex or what is he up for?"

"Mr Jeon, please", Taehyung bit his lips, "Don't you think I'm sick of it too?", he chuckled lightly. "But if that's what he needs to get over what happened, then of course I'll support him. He's my best friend after all", he smiled a little, thinking of the boy's precious eyes whenever he woke up in the morning, snuggled onto Taehyung's chest while wanting to be hold all night.

When the lights were out, that's when they felt happiness for once. Hidden from the outside, just Jungkook and Taehyung-, they didn't need anything else.

"God, I want nothing more than you to marry him one day", Mr Jeon said, eyes almost tearing up. "You'd make him so happy."

"I can make him happy as a friend as well, I promise I'll always have his back", Taehyung said softly. "I love him."

Mr Jeon sighed, "You should talk sense into him, I can see your feelings for him in your eyes-"

"You think I should tell him that I love him?", Taehyung laughed at that, "I do that daily."

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