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chapter is a lil bit shorter today cuz i injured my wrist rly badly at work & can barely type now cuz it's in a brace thingy and hurts ): i still try my best tho ❤


It was the next morning that changed it all. Taehyung had went back to his bed after the bathroom accident, Jungkook even made sure to bring him some water so he wouldn't be too hungover the next day. Taehyung asked for dozens of kisses, always reaching for Jungkook's body to pull him in bed with him.
But in the end, Jungkook went back to Lyza, falling asleep pretty quick next to her.

His whole body wasn't tensed anymore, instead he felt refreshed, full of energy to conquer the world. Taehyung's touch was all he needed to feel better about himself, maybe that was the reason why it bothered him so much to think of letting his best friend go.
Losing him seemed worse than going a week without food or a life without showering, Taehyung was everything and so much more to Jungkook.

Yet the boy kept doing dumb things over and over again.

But at some point, mistakes always come for you to make you learn from them.
And that's exactly what happened this morning.

While Taehyung was already up, not hungover at all, he was feeding Taejeon apple slices, enjoying breakfast with the other three.

Lyza and Jungkook weren't there yet. The girl had packed all her things and his as well, sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. "Good Morning", he let out weakly when he woke up and saw her across the room.
"Come here-", Jungkook hummed, waiting for his morning cuddles. Lyza didn't give him them in a long time, but he forgot everyday and kept asking for them.

But they weren't 16 and in love anymore.

Lyza's voice seemed distant, a tone of disgust swinging along. Jungkook sat up in confusion, suddenly fully awake by her behavior. "Are you alright?", he asked softly.
The girl furrowed her brows, "You tell me."

She turned her head away, towards the packed bags. "I'll go visit my family for a week or two", she said bluntly. "You take the kid."
Jungkook nodded irritated, "O-okay", he said, not understanding anything.
The girl couldn't even look him in the face, her lips not forming a smile at all. She looked drained out, lost and so disappointed, but why?

"I don't want you to stay at our apartment during this time", she then said quietly. "I don't want you to sleep in our bed", the girl crossed her arms. "Not with him."

And that's when Jungkook knew what happened, she knew what went on last night. Oh gosh, Jungkook felt like collapsing--, she couldn't know that. Fuck, why weren't they more careful.

Thoughts spinning, his mind zooming out from the current situation. The boy didn't know what to say or do-. "Where else would I go?", he asked quietly.
"I don't fucking care", Lyza hissed.

"I'm sorry Lyza", Jungkook got up, rushing over to her to hold her hands. "Lyza I'm sorry! God, I'm so sorry it's not what it looks like! W-we aren't--"

"Oh shut the fuck up", Lyza said distantly, stepping back so he couldn't grab her hand. "Get out, Jungkook."

"No! N-no! Lyza, please I'll stop I swear I won't ever do it again, I'm sorry oh my--, Lyza please don't give up on me", he started rambling, tears falling off his cheeks. He couldn't help it, he was so damn afraid of losing his little family, his life, his future. Taehyung wasn't worth losing Taejeon, he simply wasn't. But Jungkook couldn't get this into his head because whenever he saw Taehyung, his mind blacked out and he couldn't think.

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