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30th December

"Tae", Jimin grumbled, fiddling around with the fringe of his babyblue shirt. "It's 8am and it's your birthday? How can you already be drunk?"
With a sigh he patted the shirt smoothly and looked up, meeting the boy's eyes.
Taehyung had his lips in a pout, eyes drowsy and his sight blurry. "He'll marry her in two days", he let out quietly, rubbing his eyes tiredly before he placed his head on Jimin's shoulder, nuzzling it into the muscular shoulders.

"You had no sleep last night, Taehyungie", Jimin mumbled, worry clearly written all over his face as his eyes darted around and found several empty bottles of beer.

"So what", the younger shrugged.

"Breakups hurt, yeah. They're shit. But it's been a while now, Tae. You have to stop torturing yourself-"

"It's the only thing that numbs the pain of missing him", Taehyung hissed, pushing himself away from the smaller boy as he stumbled towards his bed, falling down on it.

Jimin let out a sigh, rushing after him, "Let's shower you, yeah? You smell like alcohol and sex. Who was it this time?"

"Forgot her name", Taehyung chuckled, "She was from Europe, I couldn't understand a single word she said-", he giggled again, sitting up as Jimin took his hand and lead him into the bathroom.

"Why don't you try to find someone who you can actually date?"

"To get hurt again? No, thanks. Jungkook was enough of a lesson."
Jimin tsked and then helped the boy who couldn't even hold his balance by himself to put his clothes off.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?", Jimin asked while he even had to help him into the shower and sit him down, Taehyung just kept losing his posture with his brain not working at all.
"Nothing, it's not the same without Jungoo", Taehyung mumbled, playing around with the bottle of shampoo while Jimin showered him.

It was awkward at first, honestly. Jimin felt like taking care of a small kid because he had to constantly remind the younger to eat, drink water and take showers. Every evening ended with Jimin singing Taehyung to sleep because drunk Taehyung loved Jimin's soft voice.

And he stayed awake almost all night to be there when Taehyung got scared by nightmares.

It wasn't easy, his boyfriends or whatever they were, they already went on a break with him. Told him he has to set priorities instead of cleaning up Jungkook's mess he made.
But Jimin wouldn't be Jimin if he wouldn't sacrifice a little of himself to be there for Taehyung.

"But I'm here, we can do something fun too, Tae. Maybe go out for a walk? Or shopping? You used to love shopping, we could buy you new shoes or a pretty headba-"

"You're not Jungkook", Taehyung said a bit harshly as he looked down.

"I know", Jimin sighed. "I'm just trying to make you happy on your birthday."

"Then bring me my Baby back."

Not much later, Jimin walked straight into Lyza and Jungkook's small apartment, meeting the family at breakfast table. Jungkook was reading the newspaper, looking for a job while Lyza was typing on her phone, sighing quietly to herself.

Taejeon however jumped up overly excited when he saw Jimin. "Schimin!!"

"My name is Jimin", Jimin rolled his eyes amused as he walked over to the boy and hugged him softly.
"Whatever. Schimin. Play with me!"

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