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sry for the v late update ):


Later that night, Jungkook found himself sitting on the bed, staring at the wall. Lyza was still in the bathroom, getting ready for bed.

A wedding. A fucking engagement ring laid in the drawer of his nightstand next to their bed. It's not like getting a dog, or booking couple vacation, no this was a fucking bond for life he was supposed to be pressured into with a girl he didn't love.
Lyza wasn't a bad choice, she was pretty, incredibly nice and probably one of the best wives the world had to offer.

Even though Jungkook sucked at being a boyfriend, she always tried her best not to show her disappointment in him and this relationship. For Taejeon's sake, she kept her mouth shut and the smile basically glued to her lips. If anyone was strong in all of this, then it would be her.

And of course Jungkook planned on marrying her, someday. That's what people expected from them, a young couple raising a kid - at some point they just had to. But it seemed so unreal, so far away; until this very day.
It became dangerously real this evening and Jungkook felt like crying.

The worst of all was that he had no one to talk to, Lyza could obviously not know about this. And Taehyung? Well. Jungkook didn't feel like telling especially him that he was going to marry someone else, when all he wanted the past few days was to be cuddled up to his best friend, receiving kisses and touches.

He couldn't tell him.
Or should he?

"Kook", Lyza ripped him out of his thoughts as she sat down on the bed, wearing nothing but a tiny nightdress. "You're awfully quiet since my father talked to you. Are you sure you're okay? I know he can be harsh sometimes, especially on you", she said worriedly and reached for his hand.
Jungkook nodded, "Sure. I'm fine", he said, eyes shifting anywhere but her eyes.

"You don't look fine", she spoke softly.

"Then stop looking!", Jungkook snapped and pulled his hand back, turning away.
She let out a sigh, grabbed the blanket and sat down next to him. "Let's talk", she hummed.

Jungkook shook his head, "Why? I'd rather not."

"Jungkook", she groaned, "This isn't going to last if we won't stop being like this. I know there's someone else, I know you'd rather be with her right now. Please, just talk to me, tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm doing everything I can, I let you go out with Tae all the time, I work, I take care of Taejeon as much as I can. I just don't know what I do wrong yet I'm sure you already would've left me if it wasn't for Taejeon that you're staying. Is it because I gained weight? Am I not pretty enough anymore? Is it because we barely have sex? W-we could try. Taejeon's with Tae- we have the house to ourselves. Just tell me what I need to do to get this right, Kook. I love you", she quickly looked away, blinking the tears away that built up.

Jungkook gulped.

"I love you too".. I'm just not in love with you anymore

"You're pretty, you're not too fat.".. I'm just more attracted to my best friend a little more

"There's no other girl".. Because there's a boy

Lyza covered her face, feeling like she was about to break into tears every moment. "I'm so sorry Lyza, I'll try to be better. It's not your fault, you're perfect. I'm just not. EVERYTHING about me is so fucking wrong and I don't understand it and I'm so sorry I got you pregnant. You deserve so much better."

The girl looked at him for a while, trying to process what he said. "Nothing's wrong about you."

With that she shyly got on his lap, put her hands at his cheeks and they shared a long look. "Maybe it's just one of those bad times a couple has to go through to come out stronger", she hummed before she softly placed her lips onto his and they melted into a kiss.
Jungkook shut his eyes, a little hesitant at first. This felt wrong. He should be kissing Taehyung, not her.

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