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okay so there's straight smut in this chapter. ik none of us likes that. i marked it with #### so you can skip it if you get triggered by girls. :3


"Dad", Taejeon said, being all serious as he walked into the living room. "I think I am a duck."
Jungkook looked up from his maths book and gave his son a weird look, "Why?"

"Look, when I walk my feet waddle like duck feet-", Taejeon said and started purposely walking like a duck. "You're faking it", Jungkook sighed deeply. "Come here, you weirdo. Let's watch a movie-"

"Only if I can choose", Taejeon grumbled as he hopped onto the couch and took Jungkook's hand with a big, loud sigh. "Daddy I'm sorry", he rolled his eyes, obviously struggling with speaking it out.

"What for?"

"I was mean. I like you and I am very much sorry I said I don't go home with you today", Taejeon hummed, pressing his head into Jungkook's chest. "You're my favorite Dad even though Taehyungie is more fun", he smiled brattily, poking Jungkook's cheeks.

"I feel honored", Jungkook chuckled, relief coming over him.

"Aaaaand-", he said quietly and trailed with his fingers along his own tiny legs. "I want a frog."
Jungkook couldn't help but laugh amused by that, "A frog? That's.. special", he smiled while he ruffled through the boy's hair softly.

"Special froggie for special Taejeonie", the kid giggled. "I would name it Kookie."

"That's my nickname!", Jungkook pouted.
"No, then it's my frog's name", Taejeon snapped.

"Stop stealing my name", Jungkook grinned, shaking his head slowly. "Stop stealing my name", Taejeon imitated him and then punched Jungkook's leg. "Mommy will say yes."

"She would definitely not buy you a frog!"

"She would, Mommy loves me!"

"But she hates frogs", Jungkook laughed.
"But she hates frogs", Taejeon snickered, stucking his tongue out as he got on his father's lap and looked straight into his eyes. "Look. I want a frog named Kookie, you buy me one and I will be nice for 1 hour. That's the deal", Taejeon said firmly, nodding to underline his statement as Jungkook blurted out in laughter.

"Quite the business man, I see", he hummed, wrapping his arms around the little one. "God I love you so much, my little one", Kook sighed as he nuzzled his face into his kid's neck.

"You love your peepee?", Taejeon asked confused. "Dad you're G R O S S."


"Oh shit I'm drunk", Taehyung stumbled back, plopping on the nearest chair, the beer bottle still in his by now shaking hands. Jimin hurrying after him, "Dude you can't even stand-", he grumbled, wrapping his arms around the younger to keep his balance, he looked like falling off the chair every second though.

"Like Jungkookie after I fucked him", Taehyung giggled, rolling his eyes playfully. "I fucked him soooo good~"
"Mhm sure you did", Jimin sighed, taking the beer bottle away. He pressed it into some dude's hand who dropped by, "Take it and run", he snapped at the boy who indeed ran away.

"You're drunk as fuck and still all you think about is Jungkook?", he then groaned.

"Jungkook", Taehyung repeated, face going blank. "This Jungkook guy broke my heart", he pouted and sighed deeply. "But he's cute-"

"Let's go home", Jimin sighed.

"No, I wanna hook up with a sweetie~", Taehyung sang, clapping his hands before he pointed on Jimin. "With you~", he grinned cheekily.

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