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get ready



"Taejeon please, we don't have time to buy you a fish bowl right now", Jungkook sighed as he looked onto his phone where the address of the store that would fit his suit to his body should be shown.
"But Daddy!", Taejeon cried out and stomped his foot on the street, "I can't leave Mickey in there, all alone! He's my best friend-"

"Taejeon it's enough, we'll buy Mickey some other time", Lyza grumbled, she herself was on her way to the hair dresser, to meet up with some of her friends who would help her get everything done for the wedding.

Yes, it was that day. Wedding day.

"I hate you", Taejeon screamed out and started running away from his parents. While Lyza was looking at shoes through the window of a store, she didn't even realise that her son was running away.
"Taejeon-", Jungkook let out once he put his phone down and saw his son running down the street, literally on the street.

And that's when things started happening fucking fast.
Lyza's eyes widened. Jungkook started running and threw his arms in the air. The kid stopped in the middle of the street to pick a small bug up which was on the street. "Hi I save you!", he crouched down.

Jungkook could literally see it all happening in slow-mode.
A car didn't see the kid in time. It headed straight towards the little boy who sat on the street and held the bug close to his chest as he turned around and froze.

The car was way too fast.

Jungkook knew exactly what he was doing in the very moment when he jumped in front of the car, pulled the little one into his arms and pressed him to his chest, rolling over when the car hit his knee and he landed on the sidewalk.

But he had his baby.
As close as possible to his chest even when they were on the ground, the car had stopped and the driver rushed out, shouting at the kid for sitting on a street like that. Lyza came running down the street, completely in tears.

"Daddy", Taejeon whined, already being over the shock. "My bug flew away because of you!!"

"Oh god, Taejeonie I swear", Jungkook breathed out, not able to move his leg, but at least his kid was fine. "You'll never leave my side ever again. What did you think you were doing?!"
He sat up and sat the kid onto his lap while the police and some ambulance came to check up on the boy who just got hit by a car yet all he thought about was his kid, blending the rest of the world out completely.

"I saved the bug it almost got driven over! His name is Hulk."

"You almost got driven over yourself, Taejeon!", Lyza threw in. But the small boy only looked up to his mother and shrugged, "Then Daddy could be happy and I saved a bug and Mommy can steal Daddy's man and I'm not a burden anymore to everyone."

The rest of the people around them literally gasped at the little boy saying those words, they instantly realised that this young family was incredibly broken. With no hope of being saved.

"Is that what you think?", Lyza asked.

"Yes Mommy. I also think you did very wrong thing. And Daddy is bad too but Mommy hurt Daddy and I hate all of you can I go to Hobi I don't like this marry me thing you do today!"

"Hobi will be at the wedding, Darling. You can sit with him." Lyza sighed and then took the kid from Jungkook. The ambulance quickly checked up on him, to see if his knee was alright. Which it was, luckily. Just turned blue-ish after it got hit that hard. And it was painful but Jungkook got good at ignoring the pain.

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