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3 years later.....

In Japan at The Dancers apartment.


A guy shouted at Lisa's door but she didn't hear him cause she's in a deep sleep.

Oh by the way, that guys name is Kim Donghyuk.

"Ohh for Pete's sake here we go again..." He came into the bathroom to get a bucket of cold water "why do everytime we have to wake you up we have to pour you some cold water!" He shouted along with pouring Lisa with some cold water.

"AHHHHHH!" Lisa shouted as soon as she felt the coldness in her body. She found out that it was Donghyuk who did it again. "Why do you always do that to me???" She whined and Donghyuk just coldly look at her.

"Cause it's hard to wake you up.. Now get up and get dressed." He puts the bucket on Lisa's head and walked out of her room.

"Whaaat?? But it's Saturday! It's our rest day where are we going?" She stood up to follow Donghyuk outside with the bucket still resting on its head.

Donghyuk ignored her and went to the living room. Lisa pouted because of being ignored, but she saw Seulgi so she called her.

"Hey hey! Kang Seulgi!" Lisa called. Seulgi saw the bucket at Lisa's head and laughed in her mind.

He did it again. That's what she thought in her mind.

"What do you want?" She asked lazily. Seulgi is still half mad at Lisa.. Ahh you know the reason, anyways...

"Where are we going on a saturday?? Isn't it supposed to be a rest day?" Lisa complained while pouting. It's her hobby now. Pouting.

"I don't know. Mr. Hashi wants us to go to the studio." Seulgi said while drinking her coffee.

"Wait, only the 10 of us?" Lisa asked at Seulgi who is busy texting someone.

"Yep." And by the way. Those 10 are

Lalisa, Seulgi, Momo, Tzuyu, Hyoyeon, Donghyuk, Ten, Taemin, Yugyeom and J-Hope.

"I'm kinda nervous." Ten appeared out of nowhere while biting his nails.

"Why though??" Followed by Donghyuk.

"I feel like we did something wrong.." He stated.. While the others just gave him a weird look.

"What did we even do?" Yugyeom asked in confusion.

"Yeah.. Like what even??" Hyoyeon asked as well.

"Stop thinking like that Ten! Let's just go and get ready to the studio.. I need to get my sleep." Momo said while going back to her room but Lisa stopped her from going back.

"Nuh-uh. Don't go back. Wee need to hurry. You know how impatient Mr. Hashi is.." Lisa said to Momo with a warning look. Momo snapped out and remember that yeah... That guy is a creep.

"Oh yeah! Let's get ready guys!! Isoge isoge! Idō suru!!" Momo shouted in Japanese language.. But they understood. They learned Japanese when they got to Japan.

"Hai, okusama.." Taemin answered in Japanese as well.

After 3 hours they were all done..

"Ikou ka?" Jhope asked in Japanese.. These squad got use to Japan language.

"Waiiiiiit i forgot something!" Tzuyu shouted while going back to her room. She came back with her phone in her hand. "Ok let's go." They all went down of their appartment and rode their bike on their way to the Studio of Mr. Hashi.

Since they're not rich and all. They bought a bike instear of a car.

They got to the studio all nervous. And anxiety is hitting them hard. They don't know why Mr. Hashi called them early in the morning and just the 10 of them.

It's either he has something good to say, or he has something bad to say. But overall the Team went in the studio bravely.

They saw the Studio was still empty.. They waited for 10 minutes and Mr. Hashi is still not in the Studio. So they decided to dance HAAHHA!

They danced to The Eve and Love Shot. They were about to dance Ddu Du Ddu Du when Mr. Hashi came in.

"Hah! What a good morning to see that my students are dancing." He clapped his hands while smiling.

You guys see? He came late but he's impatient.. Aishh back to the story.

"Good morning Mr. Hashi!" The 10 greeted with full energy.. Even though half of them is already nervous.

"Mr. Hashi why did you call us?" Lisa, acting bravely asked. She's acting brave but deep inside she's already dying out of nervousness.

"Ohh about that. I would like all of you to take a seat." Even though there's no chair he asked them to sit. A weird Japanese guy indeed.

They all sat on the floor and patiently waited for their Professor to say the news they've been dying to hear since they woke up.

Oh i forgot to tell.. There Team name is Dance N' Beat. Cool name right? Ok back to the story.

"What I'm going to tell is good news." Mr. Hashi stated.. "You all know that the 10 of you are currently famous world wide right?" He asked and they all nod. "Especially in Korea."

Korea. Lisa thought in her head.. She remembered something.

"Sooo. Since most of you came from Korea... You're all going there to make your own Concert!." He smiled at them.. Half of them are shocked and half of them are Happy.

"Wait what??" Lisa asked in confusion.. "A-a concert?? What for??" Lisa suddenly stood up.

She's excited for the Concert.. She doesn't want to go back yet. Tzuyu said in her mind

"Yes.. Is there a problem Ms. Manoban?" Mr. Hashi asked angrily that got Lisa scared.

"Iē, Mr. Hashi." She sat down again looking down. Well she's half happy and half nervouse going back.

You all know why stop pretending.

Not now pleaseeee. She prayed in her mind.

"So. Since you're famous worldwide. Especially Korea. I decided to put you guys in a concert there. So here are the tickets the Flight is tomorrow.. And goodluck!" He gave the Tickets to Hyoyeon and left them in The studio.

A great professor right?

All of them looked at the tickets and looked at each other then..

"KOREA WE'RE COMING BAAAAACKKK!!!" They shouted happily.

Lisa isn't that happy like what i said. But she has no choice. She has to go back.. Goodluck Manoban.

End of part 1|Distance

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