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She needs some time.


We heard everything, from how Kai tried to kill Lisa and tried to rape Jen. I knew he was no good. Aishh,

About Lisa's state, thank god Jennie catched him before it was too late or we could've lost Lisa.

Jennie still isn't in good terms because of what happened but she's trying to be strong. Aww that's amazing.

And Kai? Meh who cares about that dog he's in prison anyways. And now we're inside Lisa's room with the others. I'm trying to comfort Jennie cause she's still crying.

"Hey calm down, you've been crying for almost an hour now." I said while rubbing her back. "Good thing you were fast Dk." I said as i looked at him.

We really planned on going here but Dk came first.

"Yeah i know right? And good thing i was holding a bottle yish."

"Ahh why is this happening." Jhope said while scratching his head. I could say the same thing.

"Man, Kai? I never thought he'd do that." This time Taemin said.

"We never know what could a person can do." I mumbled while still rubbing Jennie's back.

"L-lisa.." I heard Jennie mumbled and i looked at her. "She a–almost died, gosh." She covered her face and started crying again.

How to calm Jennie Ruby Jane? I need help.

"She didn't thanks to you." Momo said trying to make her calm down. Seriously she needs to calm down.

"That was so close. Gosh i can't even imagine her gone." Aish stop saying thaat!

"Oi stop saying that she ain't dying ok? You both have to continue your love story," Yugyeom said while laughing and we all laughed except for Jen. Well she giggled.

"Annd he's in prison now so both of you are safe. No one can harm you again." I said to Jennie. Damn our bond is strong.

"B-but what if–" I cutted her words off.

"Sushh. Take a rest first, we'll keep an eye on Lisa." I said and the others agreed. Seriously she needs a rest.

"I want to be beside her.." Her intention towards Lisa changed after everything that happened. Wow

"You should take a rest first." This time Jisoo said.


"No buts!" We all shouted in unsion that caused Jennie to sigh. "Let's go home first my dear cousin." Jennie stood up and Wendy went beside her then they both walked out when..

"Oh! Please tell Lisa i love her!" Jennie suddenly appeared on the door and shouted that then Wendy pulled her out.

"What the heck." Tzuyu said and we all laughed. I must admit that it was cute.

"Why aren't you like her Seulgi." Irene suddenly said to me and i gave her a confusing look.

"I'm not Jennie, babe." She pouted.

"Well, it make sense."

"I can't believe.." Jeongyeon mumbled and we all looked at her. "Out of all Jennie's exe's she will only come back to one and that's Lisa." She's right! And Lisa is her only ex that she loved the most.

Nevermind that dog k? Heh.

"Well she did changed her." Nayeon said while looking at Lisa. She's also right, Jennie changed since she met Lisa.

"Hah! Sorry Sunmi, Kai and Hanbin!." Sana laughed out loud and we all did the same.

"Sunmi? Hanbin?" Hyoyeon asked, oh i forgot we never told the others.

"Is Sunmi Jennie's ex aswell?" Ten asked and we shook our heads.

"Nope, Lisa's ex." Momo answered.

"How about Hanbin?" Taemin asked.

"Jennie's first love." I was surprised that Jhope knew. Maybe someone told him.

"Why are we suddenly talking about exes?" Yugyeom asked and yeah i could ask the same.

"Don't know." We laughed again. Seriously my friends are a bunch of crackheads.



All of them went home except for me and Chaeyoung them Mom and Dad came along with Alice and Yujin.

"Aww why is Lisa unnie not awake yet?" Yujin asked while pouting as she went beside Lisa. "Why is she taking so long? Is she that tired?" I looked at her.

"Tired?" I asked.

"Tired. Is she that tired? Hurt. Because of what happened to her? Is that the reason why she's taking so long because she needs a rest from everything?" D-damn i went speechless.


"That was deep"-Mom

"Yujin is that you?"-Alice

"Damn i didn't knew you had it in you lil sis."-Rosé my wife. Hehe

"What?" Yujin asked like an innocent child. How can she even do that when she just said the most matured thing.

"Well yes... Maybe she's really tired that's why she's taking so long to wake up, but you know, we all know that your Lisa unnie is strong right? She'll wake up she just need some time." I said while crouching to reach her level. Because she's sitting not because I'm taller than her.

"It's been a week." Yujin pouted and i smiled at her.

"Maybe a week isn't enough.. But trust me. She will wake up soon." This time Chaeng said.

"Nothing is impossible honey." Mom said while patting Yujin's head.

"Everything is possible." Dad continued.

I looked at Lisa, keep on fighting baby sis. There's a lot of people waiting for you to wake up, i know you're having a hard time, we're not rushing you ok? We'll give you time.

And i know the time will come that you'll wake up already.

End of part 51|Distance

Malapit na magising si Lili konting tiis pa🤣

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