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She left, she's gone.


I ran.. I ran fast as i can as i heard the monitor sound. Something might happen! And I'm not going to forgive myself if something happens to her!

I can't loose her! Not now please! Lisa wait for me.

I was in front of her room and was about to go in when someone stopped me.. I looked at the person and it was Jin.

"She's already stable. Go inside, she really needs you." I saw Jisoo sitting on the chair beside Jin.. She's crying, and Chaeng is comforting her.

I went inside the room and Lisa looked at me.. Her eyes, it's so sad and tired it's hurting me. But i saw her smile at me.

Are you really ok Lisa? Or are you just smiling to hide the pain.

I went beside her and sat on the chair and i held her hand.

"You came.." She weakly said. "I t-thought i won't get to s-see you before i go." My tears suddenly fell.

"Don't go yet, please.." I begged, "i know you're tired but, can't you stay a little bit longer please? Lisa.." I cried again.

"I might hurt m-myself.. If i stay a little longer.." She sighed. "I love you Jen." I cried harder.. I might go crazy if she leaves.


"Don't forget about me. If you ever miss me, j-just look at the sky and if you see a star shining brightly.. T-thats me. Watching all of you." She kissed the back of my hand and smiled wider.

"I love you." I mumbled while crying..

"Jisoo unnie... Can you call them?" I nodded my head and quickly went outside to call Jisoo and Chaeng.

"Jisoo unnie, Chaeng. She's looking for the both of you." The two of them went in first and i followed. Lisa hugged Chaeng first then last was Jisoo, a tight hug.

"I'm sorry if i-i failed to be a sister, Unnie." Lisa admitted and Jisoo shook her head.

"You were the best sister i could ever ask for... Lisa, i love you and I'm going to miss you, maknae." Jisoo kissed Lisa's forehead and smiled.

"Take care of mom and dad.." Jisoo nodded again.

"I will Lisa.. Don't worry."

"Chaeng.. Take care of my sister." Lisa turned to Chaeng, she nodded her head.

"I will Lisa, i promise."

"Are you really tired?" Jisoo asked sadly and Lisa nodded, fuck i can't stop crying. My Lisa.. "I'm letting you go. My dear sister even if it hurts I'm going to ler you go." At this, Lisa cried. Jisoo looked at me and i nodded.

"We're letting you go Lisa.." I said, even though i don't want to, we need to let her go so she won't suffer anymore.

I noticed that Lisa was having a hard time to breath, so i went beside her and held her face.


The sound of a flatline heartbeat can be heard. I looked on the monitor beside Lisa..

 I looked on the monitor beside Lisa

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I looked at Lisa and her eyes are closed. "Lisa!" I shouted shaking her body trying to wake her up. "Not now please Lisa!!!" My tears fell again, as i tried to wake Lisa up but she isn't waking up.

"Jennie calm down, I'll handle this." I heard Jin said, Jisoo and Chaeng pulled me aside as Jin was trying to revive Lisa.

"LISAAAAA!!!" I cried out loud, i was trying to get out of Chang's and Jisoo's grip.. Jisoo hugged me as she was crying as well.

"I-i can't revive her." Jin said while looking at us. Chaeng let me go and Jisoo broke the hug, i ran towards Lisa and hugged her not wanting to let her go.

"Lisaaaa!!!" I shouted while hugging her. I saw Jin turning off the life support.. That made me close my eyes and hugged Lisa tighter.

"She's gone.." -Jisoo "my sister."

"Lisa.." I cried again.

".. Time of death. 6:45pm. Excuse me." Then Jin went out..

" Lisaaaa!!!" Jisoo patted my back and hugged Lisa aswell.

My baby left me.



Jisoo called me saying that Lisa passed away. I immediately went to the hospital.

Now I'm outside the room standing.. Inside Lisa's room was Jisoo, Chaeng, Dance N Beat, Mr. Hashi, Lisa's parents.

Outside the room i saw Jin, looking at them..

"She left, she's gone." I heard him say. I went in.. All of them are crying that made me cry aswell.. I saw Jisoo on the couch and her wife hugging her.

Dance N Beat in one corner crying together. Jennie is beside Lisa, holding her hand while crying.

I went towards Lisa, i caressed her face and smiled sadly. Then i looked at Jennie.

"Jen." She looked at me and hugged me, i hugged her back i can hear her crying. "It's going to be ok.."

"She left.. She's gone. She left us." I knew she was going to be like this.

"At least she won't suffer anymore. She won't get hurt." She broke the hug and wiped her tears.

"But what about us? We're going to suffer.. My Lisa.." She got on her knees and cried again. I kneeled down and hugged my cousin.. "We were supposed to get married soon. But she left! She left me again.." She cried.

I closed my eyes and i can see an image of Lisa smiling at us saying goodbye.

I closed my eyes and i can see an image of Lisa smiling at us saying goodbye

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"Goodbye guys, take care! I'll miss all of you. Lovelots! Mwah!"

End of part 69|Distance.

And.. 1 2 3, i cried while writing this.

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