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Today is Lisa's 1 year death anniversary.. When Lisa left us. We were all miserable.. We didn't know what to do because we were all in pain.

We can't accept that she was gone but as times goes by we learned to accept the fact that she really left us. A lot has change in a year.

Now.. I'm beside Lisa's tomb and smiled.. It's been awhile..

Lisa Manoban
Born: March 27 1997
Died: September 23 2022

Yes she died exactly the day we became together back then in highschool, and the day we became together again.

"Hey Lisa.. It's been awhile since i last visited.. Sorry about that." I said while staring at her tomb, imagining I'm really talking to her. "A lot has happened Lis." I took a deep breath

"I was known worldwide for my greatness as a Doctor. I even receive awards sometime. Your parents went back here in Korea to live in the old house. Then Jisoo and Rosé started a business Restaurant that actually went famous here now. Oh and they adopted a kid." I said and giggled. They named him, Kim Sae Joo..

Weird.. Tbh but it's kinda cute.

"Jeongyeon and Nayeon got married finally after everything right? Tzuyu and Sana? Uhmm i have no idea to be honest.. Oh! And Seulgi and Irene are engaged! Dance N Beat had performed in Coachella on March! It was amazing! Of course i went to see it live" Then i smiled as i remembered something that happened in Coachella.

"Coachelllaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" Donghyuk shouted happily, they just finished performing.. "Finally! Finally we've made it!" I saw how emotional they got. All of them are crying.

"I remember back then.. We were dreaming on going here." Hyoyeon said while wiping her tears. "And now look! We're here!!" Everyone cheered and clapped for them..

Someone is missing and should've been there with them..

When everyone quieted down... Tzuyu said something.

"I really want to dedicate our success to our best friend... Our teammate up in heaven. Lisa.. We made it." My tears eventually fell as the same as Tzuyu's tear fell "buddy.. I hope you're proud of us." Jhope rubbed Tzuyu's back to stop her from crying. "Happy birthday Lis.."

I smiled.. It's Lisa's 26th today..

"Oh how can we forget" -Donghyuk "it's our Lisa's birthday today.. We going to celebrate her birthday later and one way to join us is watch the live!"

"Yes yes yes! Thank you for today!"

And that was the most memorable birthday for Lisa even though she's not here with us.

"I wish you're still here with us.. We could've done so many things.." I sighed. "Happy anniversary Lis." I putted the flower i bought awhile ago beside her tomb and stood up ready to leave when..

"Aunt Jen!!!!" A little boy shouted and quickly hugged me. It's Sae joo.

"Sae joo!" I hugged him back, kissed his cheek and messed his hair. "Who are you with?" I asked, kneeled down to reach his level.

"Leaving to early? We just arrived!" It was Jisoo and Chaeng. I smiled and stood up to hug the two.

"Hey Jennie!" Chaeng squealed.

"I was about to leave." I said and giggled. Sae joo went beside Chaeng and asked her to carry him which she did carry him. Cutie. "I've been here for 3 hours now."

"Stay first! We need to celebrate your anniversary with Lisa! Although it's also her death anniversary." She scratched her nape and laughed afterwards.

I nodded and sat down again when i heard a bunch of groups approaching.

"Heyyy guys!!" -Hyoyeon.

"We are a bit late sorry about that." -Irene

"We bought some cakes!" -Wendy

"Ahh! Sae joo is here!" -Tzuyu

"Nice to see you guys!" -Nayeon

"It's been a while oh gosh" -Donghyuk

"I'm taller now" -Ten

"Bash. Bro" -Taemin

"That's mean HAHAHA!" -Seulgi

"He said what he had to" -Momo

"HAHAHA awsomee!" -Yugyeom

"Hey guyss!" -Jhope

"Hey hi hello" -Sana

"GuuyyyssSssSss" -Jeongyeon

Woahh! They are complete!!

"Hey hey heyyy! You really bought some cake?" Jisoo asked and Wendy nodded her head.

"For Lisa and Jennie's anniversary!" Oh wow.. "Here Jen! Take a look of it." I opened the cake and it says.

Happy Anniversary Lisa and Jennie!

Wow.. I want to cry..

"Hep! No crying yet! We have to lit the candles first then make a wish!" Chaeyoung said.

Jhope putted the candle and Yugyeom lit it..

"Make a wish.." Nayeon whispered and i closed my eyes.

'I love you' I heard Lisa's voice.. Weird how i can still hear her even though she's gone.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking at me.

"What did you wish for?" Sana asked.

"Happiness.. I wished for happiness." I said and smiled. They all looked at me in awe.

"Blow the candle!" They shouted and i giggled.

Before i can even blow the candle, a wind came passing by and it blew the candle.

"Yah! Lisa you didn't wait for me!" I pouted.. I knew it was her.. I can feel her presence since i came.

"Woah she's literally here.." Momo said amazed.

"Of course she's here! We're beside her idiot." Tzuyu said and laughed.

"Should i be scared or not?" -Ten

"Be happy dude." -Taemin

"Yeah be happy she's here with us.." -Hyoyeon.

"I cwan see auntie Lisha!" Sae joo shouted and we all looked at him.

"He.. H-has a third eye?" Irene asked shaking. Guess she's scared haha.

"Yep.." Chaeng answered while nodding.

"What is he doing baby boy?" Jisoo asked then Sae joo pointed at me.. Ahh ok..

"She's bweside aunt Jennie, her arms are awound her showder.." I smiled and closed my eyes again..

'I won't leave you.. I'm still here.' I have a third ear just kidding.. Yes i know you're with me Lisa..

It was a long journey right Lisa? We've been through a lot.. And it wasn't easy but we managed to get through it. Not every story has a happy ending right? Like our story.

I looked at the sky.. And thought of the Distance from heaven to here.. Not that far Lis.. Wait for me. I love you.


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