OK! Based on my observation for the past days. Lisa is getting better, she sometimes smiles at us but still doesn't talk so we don't know if she has amnesia or not.
Lisa's group, Dance N Beat stopped the concert for a while, since Lisa is already awake, they will wait for her recovery so they can perform with her again.
Lisa's parent is always here, taking care of Lisa, sometimes her Mom, and sometimes her Dad alone. But what made me so shook the most is Jennie.
Bruh.. she's so caring towards Lisa, even though Lisa ignores her well not only her, she ignores ALL of us but we understand her.
Jennie is always here after her schedule is done. Sometimes i think she sleeps here cause she's always the first person we see everytime we visit Lisa.
Also Dr. Jin is amazed that Jennie is faster than him. Wow, seriously my cousin has change eversince so I'm starting to believe that she really loves Lisa. Or does she?
I'm still having some second thoughts. I don't fully know if Jennie still loves Lalisa. Or maybe she does? Or maybe she don't. Maybe she's just feeling guilty about what she did knowing Lisa is sick.
There's still a lot of questions, but I'm still holding on that three words. The three words Jennie will say to Lisa.
'I love you.'
I'm waiting for Jennie to say those three words to her face to face now that Lisa is awake and I'll freaking believe her. But yeah she's a coward and Lisa still isn't in a good state.
I sighed and walked towards Lisa who's staring at nothing again, why do i feel like she has amnesia? Ok just kidding.
"Hey dude." I patted her shoulder and sat on the chair. Bruh she freaking ignored me, i was kinda expecting that but it kinda hurts. "Bro i know you can hear me." I joked and laughed but..
It was nothing to her. I pouted and started to make funny faces infront of her. I will do everything to get her attention!
"When will you talk to us?"
"Or when will you start talking?"
"Bro you turned into a real life mannequin"
"You won't stay like that forever right?"
"POWTANGENA MOW POWTANGENA MOOOW. I don't know what it means but it sounded funny and i found it on social media."
5 minutes have passed and i got no reaction's from her. Aishh I'm so tired! I AM SO FUCKING TIREEEED
"OMG Manoban you're driving me crazy.. Can you just talk already? Talk!" I know i will get scolded from what I'm going to do now but.
I held Lisa's mouth and opened it pretending she was talking. Her expressions was shock.
"Talk, talk talk talk." I kept on mumbling, Jisoos cris I'm sorry Lisa HAHHA.
"What the heck?!" I quickly stopped what i was doing when i heard someone shouts. It was my cousin hehe. "The fuck Wendy?! What the fuck are you doing?!"
Woah.. She cursed again after 3 years. Just because of what i did to Lisa hshs.
She went beside Lisa and caressed her face then later on she glared at me. Woooaaah this is new. I'm not used to Jennie Kim being like this.
"I-i was just playing around hehe." I excused but she still glared at me, Jisoos help.
"So you decided to mess with Lisa? How dare you! You're hurting my Lili!" She whined like a kid. Wtf? Second ago she was like a lion ready to eat it's prey and now she's just a soft baby. HAHAHA what the fuck.
"Woah I'm sorry ok? HAHAHA and chill, nothing went wrong." I assured her and smiled, she just sighed and sat beside Lisa again.
"Did she talk" She asked calmly this time, i shook my head and smiled. "But i b-.."
"I'm h-hungry."
"W-what?" Jennie asked in panic and i smacked her head.
"She's hungry idiot! Get some food!" She immediately went to the table, oh she bought food for her then came back to Lisa and was about to feed her when.
"I-i can manage.." She took the food from Jennie's hand and smiled at her.
What? Why does it seems like she doesn't know what happened to them?
"Ok.." Jennie answered plainly.
"Thank you.."
"Anything for you Lisa." -Jen
"Uh do i know you?" WTF?
"W-what?.. L-lis I'm Jennie.. Why c- what?" Jennie stutters while talking.
Lisa then looked at me.
Oh it's a joke! HAHAHA
"Dude! HAHAHA stop playing around its a j-"
"Who are you?"
It's not a joke?
"S-stop playing around." Jen said and her voice cracked. Lisa looked at Jennie and then at me.
"Who are you guys?"
End of part 54|DistanceLast update before matuloog.

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed