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Lisa and Chaeyoung's closeness.


While waiting for my sister to arrive. My fianceeeé. Park Chaeyoung is massaging my back while im laying on this thingy.

"Uggh Chaeng why are you so good??" I asked while my eyes are closed. I can't wait to get married to her and I'll let her massage me all day HAHHA  no I'm kidding.

"Am i? HAHA! I don't even know. I just do what i gotta do." She said and kept massaging my back. I'm speechless. I just want to enjoy this. "Babe are you asleep?" She suddenly ask and i shook my head.

"N-no.. But I'm feeling kinda sleepy. You're the best when it comes to this." I said as i close my eyes again. I was so close to sleeping when the door opened and someone screamed.

"Ahhh! Eonni's what are you doingg?!!" Oh, it's just my sister.

"Chill Lisaya, we're not doing it. I'm just giving her a massage." Chaeng answered. Oh just to inform you guys. They're freaking close already. Like their the siblings here in this house.

"Oh. Hahaha! It's ok... But, Eonni! I really need a massage to pleaseee." Lisa said with an aegyo. I hate her aegyo to be honest.

"Ok sure." WHAAAAAT?? "Jisoo? Would you mind? Your sister is really tired." I sighed and i get out of this thingy, i understand Lisa's situation right now. She really must be tired.

Lisa laid down on that thingy and Chaeng started to massage her.

"Oh! Ahhh.. Niceee." She complimented as Chaeng continues. This need to be recorded. I quickly grabbed my phone and filmed them.

"Babe what are you doing?" Chaeyoung asked as soon as she noticed me arranging my phone infront of them.

"Filming you guys ahaha!"

"This feels good! My muscles are tense." Lisa said once again "loosen those knots for me." Give me your best massage eonni." Lisa said pleasingly and i don't know why i found it funny.

"Aye aye captain." Chaeng grabbed this thing like a stick. Then she started to roll it on Lisa's back.

"That's it! Yeah! Ahh good!" Chaeng laughed at Lisa's reaction. I mean who wouldn't. "Ughhhh woooow!!" I tried to hold my laugh. It sounded like a moan wtf ahahha! "Oh! Oh yeah.. Oh! Right there!" Chaeng and i laughed really hard.

"Hahaha!" Me and Chaeng laughed.

She started to massaged Lisa's thigh. And i tell you it's getting a little dirty cause of Lisa's reaction HAHAHA!

"Ahahahaa yaass.." Lisa reacted once again. "Are you doing it right eonni?" From that question Lisa earned a really hard slap on the butt from Chaeng. And i laughed my ass out

"You dumbass!" Chaeng shouted while laughing after she slaps Lisa's butt.

"Ahh! Ahahah! That was a hard one. Now it's my turn! Eonni lemme give you a massage." They switched postion and I'm still filming them.

Lisa started to massage Chaeyoung and from her reaction. My sister is good.

"Does that feel good?" Lisa asked and earned a nod from Chaeng.

"Hmm yeah." And my sister started to do the famous Thai massage, which tickles, a bit. "Oh it's that the famous Thai massage?" Chaeng asked and my sister nodded. Get ready to be tickled Chaeng.

"It is."

Minutes after.

"AHH! THAT'S TICKLISH!!" She started to move like a worm on the ground. Lisa kept doing that and i kept on laughing. "That's too ticklish! Lisayaaa!!" Chaeng shouted so loud and it made Lisa stop but she continued anyways. "Ahh! No! Stop tickling me!" It turned out to be a tickle session. Then Lisa massage her using her elbow which made Chaeng flinched a lot "Ahahah! Ahh! That's ticklish stoooop!!!" "Ahhh! Ahhh. Ahahahah!!!" After minutes all i hear was laughs and stuffs. "AAh stopp!"

"Yah eonni i wasn't even doing anything." Lisa laughed out loud as she continued to tickle Chae.

"LISAA!!! YOU'RE A DEAD MEAT!!!" Chaeng threatened but it didn't stop Lisa. "Im so going to kill you Lisaaaaa!!!" Then that's her cue.

"Hahahah!!" I laughed cause their so fun to watch.

Lisa stood up and went to the couch to hide and Chaeng sat up.

"That didn't made you feel relaxed?" Lisa asked while still laughing.

"NO! It made me tired goosh!"


"Jisoo is better than you." Chaeng compliments

"Bleeh." I said to my sister as i stick my tounge out.

"Eshh. Do it on your honeymoon. I know my sisters move. Hehehe, by the way thanks for the massage.." Lisa said then ran to her room.

Seriously that kid.

End of part 13|Distance

This chapter is inspired from Blackpink Diaries ep.6

Ps; dipa ren ako magaling pero eto nag update ako. Sorry at maikli sya :<

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