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She needs a miracle.


Jenkai? They broke up?! WHAAAAT? Since when? Why didn't i knew about this? I need to ask Jen about this.

If this is another dumb move of my cousin i swear to Jisoos.

"Jen!" I shouted when i got to her office and she looked at me and her eyes were a bit red. Did she cried "what happened?! You and Kai broke up?!" I sat on one of the chair next to her.

She nodded and sighed.

"I don't know what to do anymore. I broke up with him." She said and rested her head on her hand.

"Why did you do that?" I asked again, i swear if she just pitty Lisa because she's sick I'm going to sue my own cousin.

"I'm hurting him. It doesn't feel right anymore." Huh? Hurting him? How the fuck?

"What do you mean?"

"I still love her. I still love Lisa, and i was late when i realized that." Huh? What the fuck.

"Jen, if you're just saying that because you pitty Lisa cause she's sick, if you feel guilty because of hurting her stop. Don't lie to us especially to her. You're going to hurt her more." I explained and she shook her head.

"It's not about that Wendy. Yes i pitty her. And i feel guilty about everything, but i love her Wen, i love her for who she is and what she has become. It's hard to believe me since yeah, I've been a fool. But believe me or not. My love for her didn't fade. It has always been her. It was her since the start." She started crying and i was just staring at her.

Should i believe her? Or nah? It's really hard to believe her.

"Fine, i believe you. But i swear Jennie if your are making another dumb move i-oof!" My words were cutted of when she hugged.

"You're the best cousin Wendy." She emotionally said. W–who's cutting onions?

"H-hey I'm still mad." I said. She broke the hug and i glared at her.

"I know that. How can i make you not mad?" Eh? Seriously aishh..

"Wait till Lisa wakes up and maybe.. Just maybe." I said. If Lisa's forgiving her then I'll do the same hehe.

"Speaking of Lisa. I haven't visit her yet hold up." She suddenly went out of her office and left me here.

So visiting Lisa is her hobby now. Nice Jennie, nice. I went out of her office and she was already gone.

Hah? That fast? I directly went to Lisa's room and there i saw Jennie taking care of Lisa.

She's adjusted the headboard of the bed, then she fixed the blanket. She held Lisa's face and caressed it then said something.

And i believe she said 'i love you, I'm sorry, wake up' see? I'm good at lip reading. Haha!

She kissed Lisa's forehead after then sat on a chair next to her. Keep doing that Jen and i might forgive you fast.

I kinda want to stay longer but i have a job. So bye.



I've check all of my patients except for one. Ms. Manoban hehe, i need to go there right now.

I went inside her room and i was startled when i saw Jennie, oooh taking care of her huh?

"Aw, Dr. Jin hi." She greeted but her eyes are on Lisa. She's not Jin excuse meee.

"You're saying hi to me but your eyes are at Lisa's?" I asked, this time she looked at me and laughed. Don't she ever do that to Mr. Worldwide handsome.

"I'm sorry. I should leave now since you're here." I saw dissapointment in her eyes when she was leaving so i stopped her.

"Oh don't leave yet. Stay here." I saw how happy she was. Haha, she really loves Lisa.

"Are you sure?" She asked while smiling widely.

"Yep. Just stay here."

I checked Lisa, her vital signs and all, her condition. I didn't see any good news. Her heartbeat is fine but, she's getting weak.

"Is she going to wake up soon?" One simple question broke my heart. I wish i could make her wake up but that's impossible.

"I– i don't know." I said facing her. "She has a low chance of waking up and not a chance to be cured." The smile on her face vanished. "We need a miracle Jennie, she needs a miracle to wake up and a miracle to be cured"

What i ment is, God is our only chance if we want her to be cured and to wake up.

Medicine and all isn't going to help. It's only making her strong but she won't be cured. She was being stubborn and sometimes she forgot to drink her meds. And it made it worser.

"She needs to wake up, she needs to." I said to Jennie who's now looking at Lisa.

"She really does."

"If she doesn't wake up." She looked at me this time. And i sighed. "If she doesn't wake up then..." I looked at her life support. Once i turn this off s-she'd be dead.

"Please don't.." I heard Jennie beg "don't turn off her life support please don't. She'll wake up. I know it she will wake up." I'm also hoping that she'll wake up.

Turning off the life support of a patient is my weakness. Especially if I'll do it to Lisa. She's the sister of Jisoo, my best friend.

"If she doesn't wake up Jen, i have to turn it off."

All we need is a miracle. A Miracle.

End of part 47|Distance

Pasok nako ehhe.

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