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I need you here.


"Jennie" I heard someone calling my name, a familiar voice, i don't know who.

"Who's that?" I asked even though I'm not sure if i heard it.

"It's me." Who's 'me'? Wtf am i crazy? "Turn around." I turned around and saw the person who called my name.. I almost teared up when i saw her.

"Lisa.." I wanted to touch her but i can't even move closer to her, how is this possible?

"Hi." She said then smiled. "I miss you" That's when my tears suddenly fell out. I miss her so damn much. She moved closer to me and held my face.

How can she move closer to me when i can't even touch her?

"I'm so sorry.. Please don't cry." How can i not cry? It's her we're talking about here. "I'll be gone tomorrow. My soul will completely leave the earth."

"Don't... Don't leave please. Come back." I begged even tho it's impossible that she'll come back. "Me, the others, your parents and your sister. They miss you. I miss you." All she did was sigh as she removed her hands on my face.

"Believe me, i really want to come back. But, my time is already done Jennie. I've done all the things i have to do in this world." She forgot one thing..

I looked at her with sad eyes.

"What about marrying me?" She looked at me and then at my hand and grabbed it. H-how can she touch me? When i can't even.

"I'm sorry. I left you hanging again. P-please don't get mad at me." She's so impossible.. I'll never get mad at her.

Minutes of silence when suddenly.

"Jennie you need to wake up, i have to go." I shook my head multiple times

"No no no! I don't want to go! Take me with you please!" I begged.

"Jennie.. I can't. Listen to me, you have a lot of opportunities waiting for you. You're a doctor Jen, you're going to save many lives."

"I am a doctor, but i wasn't able to save you." It's sad.. But true, i save a lot of humans out there but i can't even save Lisa.

"It's not your fault. Ok? Now wake up Jennie.. I'll go now, i love you so much don't forget that. Bye" With one last kiss on the forehead she ran away.

She's gone.. And that's when i woke up.

Tears falling down my cheeks as i opened my eyes slowly realizing i woke up from that dream.

It felt so real.. And i just realized I'm still at the living room beside Lisa's coffin.

"Oh, Jen you're awake." I heard Jisoo said and i nodded my head. "You've been sleeping for 10 hours. How are you?" Woah that's long.

"I'm.. Kinda good. I dreamt of Lisa." I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"I did too. She said goodbye, thanked me, said sorry for giving up and lots of things." I sighed.

"I also want to say sorry.. I'm sorry i wasn't able to save her." Jisoo held my hand and caressed it.

"You don't have to say sorry Jen, it wasn't your fault." That's what Lisa said. "So you had a dream of Lisa aswell?" I nodded my head.

"She also said goodbye." Jisoo stood up " Excuse me for a minute" Then walked away.

I stood up and went near Lisa.. I wish i could touch her, all i can do is stare at her.. In times like this she would sing for me. I guess it's time to return the favor.

Even though she won't hear me.

And i know what to sing

I need you here.

You are the one for me you're the only girl i see, you are the one i want you are more than enough. You are the one for me you make me happy.

And i want you to love me, i want you to hold me, i want you to keep me close to you. I want you to need me, i want you to miss me, i want you to kiss me like you do.

I need you here, here right now I'm breaking down without your love. I need you here, here right now I'm breaking down without your touch.

We are far apart, but you're close to my heart. You make me smile, smile awhile you make my heart completely stop. You make me nervous, you make me breathless, you make my world spin around.

You make me happy, you make me smile, you make my life worth the while. And i want you to love me, i want you to hold me, i want you to keep me close to you.

I want you to need me, i want you to miss me, i want you to kiss me like you do. I need you here, here right now I'm breaking down without your love.

I need you here, here right now I'm breaking down without your touch.. I need you here.

I broke down in tears. I need my Lisa.. I need her.

I need my sunshine.

End of part 72|Distance

So ayon sorry nga pala sa tagal kong mag update. By the way.


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