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At Kang Seulgi's House


In less than 20 minutes we arrived at my place. Jungkook and Taehyung are still the best driver i know. I should hire them... nah just kidding.

"Woah Seulgi your place is awsome!" Hyoyeon shouted at me while smiling widely.

"That's called a Mansion Yeon." Yugyeom explained at her. I guess it's her first time seeing a Mansion this close.

"I never knew Kang Seulgi is rich and she can't even afford to buy a car for us in Japan." Donghyuk said teasingly and also jokingly glared at me.

"Hey! Money in Japan is different here ok?? Look at this!" I showed him a dollar of Korea and a dollar of Japan. Then he laughed at me.

"Jeez i was just joking."

"Soo are we gonna stay here all day?" Ten asked all of us.

"Ask Ms. Kang here." Taemin pointed at me. And all of them look at me.

"Ok ok! Let's go inside my girlfriend might be here." I excitedly said. I missed Irene!! I can't wait to cuddle with her!

I opened the gate and the body guards were shock to see me. Bij I'm back ahaha!

"Ma'am Seulgi! Welcome back." They greeted and i smiled at them.

"Thank you!. Is Irene inside?"

"Yes she's inside." With that i hurriedly ran to the front door forgetting I'm with my friends.

"Seriously?! KANG SEULGI! I WILL HIT YOU!" I heard Lisa shouted and i just ignored her. I also left my luggage to them hehehe my bad.

I opened the front door to see Irene sleeping on the couch. God! I missed her. I went to the side of the couch and knelt down to reach her level. I kissed her forehead like i always do to wake her up.

Her eyes were starting to open until she was fully awake.

"Hey babe!" I said with a smirk on my face. She was shock to see me she sat down quickly and observed me.

"SEULGI?!" She shouted that cause me to laugh.

"Yes it's me, I'm back!!" She hugged me tightly and we fell on the floor.

"Omg! Why didn't you tell me you were coming home!" She whined while pouting. Cutiee.

"I wanted to surprise you hehehe. I missed you though."

"I missed you too! Ehh wait. Are you alone? Where are the others? Your team mates? Where are they?" She bombarded me with questions and i remembered i left them outside.

"Oh ahaha. About that.. Uhmmm-"

"KANG SEULGI WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Tzuyu cutted me off with her scream. Me and Irene stood up then i saw Tzuyu running towards me. "You!!!"

"Oww shit! Calm down!" Then she started chasing me. Let me tell you this girl who's chasing me has a long leg and is a fast runner.

She caught me then started smacking my head.

"Ow ow hey!! Stop it!!" I throw my hands up cause i surrender. She's so brutal.

"Wait what happened?" Irene asked literally confused on what's happening. I saw my other friends shrugging at her.

"Seulgi left us outside. So yeah i also left your luggage Seulgi." Lisa said while smirking. That bitch!!

"What the fuck Manoban?!!" I hissed at her and she laughed aishhh!.

"I'll get it for you." On of my bodyguard said. Yeah he's my favorite. He came back, then with my stuffs.

"Oh by the way. Wahhh!!! LISA! TZUYU! I missed you guyss!!" Irene hugger the two of them.

"Awww! We miss you too Irene!"

"How's my best friend? Hahah!"

I saw my other friends getting awkward.

"Oh! I totally forgot! Irene! Meet my teammates!" I shouted while pointing at them.

"Oh! Hello! I'm Bae Joohyun. You can call me Irene." She introduced herself.

"Hi I'm Ten!"

"Hello! I'm Taemin!"

"Hey! I'm Hyoyeon!"

"I guess you know me right? Hobi at your service!"  Irene laughed at him.

"Hello! I'm Donghyuk!"

"Irene it's your girl Momo heheh!"

"Hey! I'm Yugyeom i guess you know me? Heheh."

"Hello I'm Jungk-" Irene cutted Jungkook's word.

"Oh boy stop i know you HAHAH!" All of us laughed. "Seulgi? Aren't you gonna throw a party?" I looked at Irene with amazement. She really knows me hahaha.

"Oh i am!" And they all went wild.


"Orayt that's our Seulgi!!"

"Imma call my sister! Heheh" Lisa grabbed her phone and dialed her sister like she said.

The idea i thought awhile ago came back. I smirked and got my phone and dialed 'that' person hehehe.

"Psst Seulg," Irene whispered and i looked at her. "Are you gonna call her?" She asked.

"Call who?" I pretend i didn't know but i actually do.

"Jennie Kim." I smirked while nodding at her. "Tsk.. You're gonna make Lisa and Jennie awkward."

"Oh not going to happen. Lisa is the only one who's gonna feel awkward. I'll invite her lover too hahaha!" I don't know why I'm such a bad girl up to now hehhe.

"You're being too mean to Lisa." She said sadly.

"Aww come on babe. She deserves it though." I'm serious yow. Tell me she deserves it right?

"Hmm ok, I'm sure she has reasons." Irene said then walked away. Yeah she has 'dumb' reasons.

I started to dial Jennie's number. It's been a while since i called her though.

She answered it quickly

"Hey bitchhhhhh!!" I shouted, i heard her laugh on the other line.

"Oh shut up Seulgi, why did you call?" Oh I'm gonna tell you some good news.

"What?? Is it bad to call my best friend?" I asked sarcastically.

"You can't fool me Seulgi, what do you want? Come on tell me." This girl is so arrogant seriously.

"Ok ok, you got me. I'm back here in Koreaaaa" I directly said to her.

"Oh! Hahaha good, well i missed you but I'm gonna h-" I didn't let her finish what she's going to say.

"And I'm throwing a party today and you have to come." I heard silence from the other line "and don't tell me you can't come because of your 'work' come on Jennie celebrate with me!" She just laughed at me! Unbelievable

"Today? Oh don't worry I'll come.. " I felt relieved after.

"Oh and, bring your lover ok? I haven't met him/her yet haha! Cause of you. You just told me you have a special someone and you didn't say it's name." She also laughed.

"Ok ok don't worry. I'm gonna hang up ok? See ya later!" Then she hang up.

Get ready to be awkward Lalisa. Oops. So sorry I'm not sorry.

End of part 5|Distance

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