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Another special stage.


Lisa really need to control her sleeps. Especially this month cause we're going to have another concert, but this time in Japan.

We are going to our usual practice studio, the mentor is still Kai but not Kiel anymore aww. I wonder who?

"Is she done yet?" I asked Jisoo when she came out of Lisa's room. She shook her head and i sighed.

"Oh come on you know her Tzu. By the way, when are you guys going back to Japan?" She suddenly asked.

"Uhmm i don't know? Maybe tomorrow? Or the next day. Why?" I asked

"Can you take a good look at Lisa?" Wtf why? "You know, because she just got a cold and i don't want something to happen." Aww so sweet but why me?

Duh cause I'm the best buddy! HAHAA ok no one cares.

"Yes sure! Since i love that crackhead i will." I said while smiling and she laughed. Then the door to Lisa's room opened revealing her.

"I heard that idiot" She said while glaring at me and i glared back. I was about to talk when. "Lisa! Why are you so slow! We're always late!" She said while copying my voice. "HAHAHA! Let's go." Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

"Bye eonni!" We both shouted and walked our way.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and she looked at me and smiled.

"I'm good, i still have a runny nose though." She said while rubbing her nose.

Should i ask her about the thing she ssid yesterday? Or no? I don't know aish.

I need to ask her. I've been thinking about it since yesterday.

"Uhmm Lisa?" I called and she hummed as an response.


"What did you mean by 'Its almost done?' " I asked then she suddenly covered her mouth. And i confusingly looked at her.

"Ah, you heard that?" She asked and i nod. I saw her gulped while she held my arm. We both stopped walking when she looked at me seriously.

Uh-oh.. I'm nervous.

"About that.." She closed her eyes and open it again while looking at me straight in the eyes.

Is she going to tell me the real reason?! OMG OMG OMG!

"My patience is almost done, i want her for my self again." What the fuck?


I smacked her head and glared at her.

"Hey why?!" She shouted rubbing her head.

"Nothing let's go." I said while laughing.

I was kinda expecting her to tell me the real reason but no she didn't. I just hope she's telling the truth.

We got to the studio to see our teammates, Mr. Hashi, Kai, Wendy and a girl i don't know?

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