In the apartment..
"Yowww! We're going back to Koreaaaa!!" Seulgi shouted in Joy while the others just laughed at her.
Lisa still can't believe that they're going back. After 3 years I'm finally coming back. She thought.
"Ey! Lalisa are you excited?" Donghyuk asked his friend who's silent since they got back. Lisa didn't talk, she nodded for an answer.
"Are you mute? Why can't you speak?" Tzuyu asked at her buddy. Lisa just laughed and shook her head.
"Silly, I'm not a mute person... I'm just tired." Lisa answered like a problematic person would.
"Wait.. That's not our Lalisa. Lalisa Manoban is an energetic person! She's our ball of sunshine!" Jhope exclaimed. It's actually the two of them, who are the ball of sunshine in the team.
"Let me examine you, Hyoyeon! Join me!" Yugyeom shouted at Hyoyeon. This guy likes to examine a person he knows for a long time and is acting weird or different.
"Ok!" Both of them examined Lisa. Lisa just stared at them blankly. She's used to these dorks.
After 5 minutes of 'examining' her. They both stop and laughed.
"Those two are weird.. They might end up together." Taemin whispers at Lisa that cause her to laugh.
"So should we pack our bags?" Ten asked the others. They looked at each other and nodded in unsion. Before agreeing or doing something they always look at each other first.
"Yeah let's pack our bags.." All of them went to their room. Each of them has a pair in one room.
Donghyuk and Lisa. Jhope and Tzuyu. Momo and Ten. Seulgi and Taemin. Hyoyeon and Yugyeom.
Yes it's boyxgirl. But don't think other stuffs alright??
In Donghyuk and Lisa's room. Both of them started packing their bags.. Donghyuk took a glance at Lisa and he fell inlove ,the end. Just kidding.
Dk took a glance at Lisa to see she's packing her stuff quietly, she's usually not like this.. She's normally noisy, hyper, and annoying.
He's not used to this Lisa and he knows something is up.
"Lisa are you ok?" He asked worriedly. Lisa just looked at him and gave him a brief smile.
"Yeah I'm ok, no need to worry Hyuk." She looked at her bag again and started packing.. "I'm not ready to go back." Lisa suddenly said at Donghyuk. He smiled and said in his mind i knew it.
"Well whose fault it is?" Lisa glared at Donghyuk. Well she knows what he ment by that. All of them knew the story why Lisa is scared going back to Korea.
She still can't face Mr. Kim..
"I know it's my fault, you don't have to remind me." She stopped packing her stuff and sat on her bed next to Donghyuk's bed. And Dk sat on his own bed and..
"We all know the story why you can't go back yet. But, we don't know the real reason.. I'm sorry to ask this but.. Can you tell me the reason why you did it?" He asked calmly and not expecting an answer from Lisa.
Lisa just stared at him blankly with her mouth slightly open. She likes to open up, but they can't know the real reason yet...
No one knows the real reason. Only her and her sister knows. Lisa was about to say something when she was interrupted.
"Hey! Donghyuk! Lisa! Lunch is ready!" Hyoyeon shouted from the Dining room.. Yes her voice is loud.
Both of them got startled and immediately stood up. Lisa got out of the room first followed by Donghyuk.
They sat on the dining table and started eating their lunch. The teams lunch isn't complete without story telling. Mostly Lisa is the one who has a lot to tell but today she's quiet.
The others are confused to why Lisa is acting different. It's been a while since she's like this and they're not use to it.
She's thinking about it again. Seulgi thought in her mind.
"Hey Lisa why are you so quiet?" Taemin asked at Lisa who is busy eating her food. "You don't have a story to tell us?" Lisa looked at him and smiled.
"Heh, I'm out of stories" She faked laughed. Now they are sure that Lisa isn't really ok.
"That's impossible Lisa, you never ran out of stories." Momo whined cutely. Lisa just laughed at her. Cause yeah she's right, Lisa never ran out of stories to tell.
"Oh i know. We will ask Lisa a question and she needs to answer it. If she doesn't, she will do everything we say to her for 1 month." Jhope challenged and Lisa got nervous.. Why is it always 1 month though? Nevermind..
"Woah why??" Lisa asked confusingly and the others just shrugged.
"Cause i feel like you're not telling us something Lalisa." Jhope answered "so who will go first?" He asked.
"I'll go!" Donghyuk raised his hands. Lisa looked at him and begging for not to ask 'that' question. "Why are you acting different?" He asked. Lisa sighed and thanked God he didn't asked 'that' question.
"I'm just tired." She simply replied but Donghyuk wasn't satisfied.
"My turn." Momo said while pretended to be thinking hard. Lisa got nervous at Momo 'thinking hard' "Why are you such a good dancer?" She sighed in relief again.
"Cause i was born to be a dancer." She proudly said and Momo even clapped her hands.
"Ok me!" Yugyeom yelled. Lisa hoped again that 'that' question isn't going to be asked. "Why are you scared going back to Korea?" Until Yugyeom asked..
"Yugyeom.. Y-you know what i did right? You don't need to ask that.." Lisa said while stuttering.
"Yeah. We all know. But why are you scared?" The questions are starting to get really serious at some point.
"Cause I'm scared of her Dad.." She answered nervously.. Praying that he wouldn't ask another question.
Yugyeom just let go. He can't make Lisa open up.
"So why did you did it?" Seulgi suddenly asked, everyone looked at her "if you know the consequences why did you still do it?" Lisa got scared at Seulgi at this point. Cause Lisa hurted her bestfriend.
"Seulgi.. I-" Her words were cut off when Seulgi talked again.
"You know how much she fucking loves you. And what you did hurted her bad." Lisa looked down and felt 'guilty' if only she could bring back time. The game Jhope created turned out to be a mess... Lisa thought. I really need to be brave and go back to Korea. I have to fix this.
End of part 2|DistanceSave the date BLINKS!

Fanfiction(Sequel of 'Just a game') When two people are ment for each other, No time is long, No distance is too far, And if they fell apart.. Fate will find a way to bring them back -Completed